SparkFun LilyPad LEDs (DEV-14010)
Basic 5 pack of LEDs for the LilyPad line. Several colors are available, including:
- Pink
- Red
- Blue
- Green
- White
- Yellow
- /Hardware - Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
- /Production - Production panel files (.brd)
- Hookup Guide - Basic hookup guide for the LilyPad LED.
- SparkFun Fritzing repo - Fritzing diagrams for SparkFun products.
- SparkFun 3D Model repo - 3D models of SparkFun products.
- SparkFun Graphical Datasheets -Graphical Datasheets for various SparkFun products.
- DEV-10410- Pink LED
- [DEV-13902] ( White LED
- DEV-14011 - Green LED
- DEV-14012 - Blue LED
- DEV-14013 - Red LED
- DEV-14014 - Yellow LED
This product is open source!
Please review the file for license information.
If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
- Your friends at SparkFun.