AIM4 is a traffic simulator for the study of innovative design of intersection control protocol. This program is based on the source code of AIM3, which is written by Kurt Dresner. AIM4 is currently maintained by Tsz-Chiu Au For more information visit the AIM website.
This is a fork for use by Dr. Stephen Boyles's lab based on the AIM4 patch for collision avoidance by Diana Toader (
Install Apache Maven (version >= 2.2.1) and Java (version >=6):
To compile with testing, type
mvn assembly:assembly
To compile without testing, type
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true assembly:assembly
To run the jar file, type
java -jar target/AIM4-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
To execute a particular main function, type
java -cp target/AIM4-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar <YOUR_MAIN_FUNCTION>
To check the coding style, type
mvn checkstyle:checkstyle
view target/checkstyle-result.xml
To clean up, type
mvn clean
Run the following commands at the first level.
cd src/main/java
javac -d bin expr/trb/
cd bin
java expr.trb.TrafficSignalExpr
is the class for experiments. Running it without arguments
will print out the arguments to run experiments.
There are some python files in aim5/src/main/java/bin
to parse the experiment
results and compute the delay time. For example, run
to generate results in Figure 6 in our paper below.