Toggle Maps is a WordPress plugin for creating Google maps with location types that can be toggled on or off. This allows you to easily organize many different types of locations on a single map without cluttering the map with too many markers.
- Install and activate the plugin
- Install and active the WordPress REST API plugin
- Add a location
- Click 'Toggle Location' to create a Toggle Location post
- Fill in the location latitude, longitude, and any other desired details (zoom, address, etc.)
- You can find the location latitude and longitude by searching for your location on Google Maps, right clicking the location, and clicking "What's here?"
- Don't forget to add negatives for southern/western latitudes/longitudes!
- Assign the post a Toggle Category if you want to be able to use it on maps with multiple markers
- Save/update the Toggle Location post
- The Toggle Maps meta box will now have a shortcode that you can paste into any post to show a map with this location
- Create a map
- Click 'Toggle Map' to create a Toggle Map post
- Fill out the center latitude, center longitude, and any other desired details
- Assign the map Toggle Categories
- These categories will show up as toggles on the map
- Any Toggle Locations assigned to these categories will toggle on/off when their corresponding toggle is clicked
- Save/update the Toggle Map post
- The Toggle Maps meta box will now have a shortcode that you can paste into any post to show the map,
- The Toggle Maps meta box will also have a shortcode that you can paste into any post to list the map locations and details
Toggle Maps by Kim Spasaro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- You may not modify and/or sell and/or redistribute this work for commercial purposes.
- When sharing this work with modifications or changes, you must share this work under these same license and conditions.
- Please acknowledge the author when modifying and/or redistributing this work.