Releases: spatial-data-lab/knime-geospatial-extension
Version 1.3.0
We're excited to announce the 1.3 release of the Geospatial Extension. The major addition in this release is the support for H3 grids, Isochrone Maps and new open data nodes.
This version requires KNIME Analytics Platform version 5.2 or later.
New nodes
• New nodes to work with H3 grids: Create H3 Grid and Point to H3
• New open data nodes: GDELT data and OpenSky Network
• TomTom Isochrone Map
• Directed Bezier Curve
• Projection node now supports processing of multiple CRS
• Remove “Preset column to: XYZ” from all nodes
• Shorten CRS by using EPSG instead of WKT if possible
• Google Distance Matrix node with support for traffic models
• Nearest Join Node with “Exclude the nearest geometries that are equal to the input geometry”
• Library updates of GeoPandas and Libpysal
Bug fixes
• Installation fails on some MacOS due to "realpath command not found" exception
• Missing Pulp solver on Linux
• OSRM Distance Matrix node returns proper error message if service in unavailable
• Local Moran's I and Local Getis-Ord G contain error in the spot_type and spots column
• Geospatial View shows points only once in zoomed out map
• Fix different result data type on Windows and Linux (int vs long) e.g. in Spatial Weights node
For a full list of all solved tickets in this release click here.
For more information on how to update to the latest version of the Geospatial Extension see the KNIME documentation.
Version 1.2.0
We're excited to announce the 1.2 release of the Geospatial Extension which now supports the experiments detailed in the first KNIME workbook for GIS: "Computational Methods and GIS Applications in Social Science - Lab Manual" by Lingbo Liu and Fahui Wang. For a deeper understanding and broader applications, users are encouraged to refer to the main text with case studies implemented in ArcGIS Pro: "Computational Methods and GIS Applications in Social Science, 3rd Edition" authored by Fahui Wang and Lingbo Liu. The workflows for the Lab Manual are available in the Geospatial Space in the KNIME Hub.
The major addition in this release is the support for spatial clustering. In addition, this release adds several new solver nodes for location analysis. We have further improved the usability of several nodes by moving advanced settings into a foldable advanced section or hide settings that are not needed for the current situation.
This version requires KNIME Analytics Platform version 5.1.1 or later.
New nodes
- New category for Spatial clustering e.g., AZP, MSSC, MaxP, REDCAP, SCHC, SKATER
- Additional solver nodes for location analysis e.g., LSCP Solver, MCLP Solver, P-center Solver, P-median Solver (only available on Windows)
- Various other nodes such as IP to Geometry, Line Endpoints and Create Random Points
- Various node dialogs have been updated to show settings only if they are required or hide them in a foldable advanced section
- Geospatial View has now an image outport view e.g. to use the images in KNIME reports
- GeoFile Reader and Writer now support GeoParquet files
- Update more nodes (Area, Bounding Box, Convex Hull and Length) to provide the option to either replace or append new result column
- Spatial and Nearest Join allow users to filter out columns from input tables prior joining
- Support for custom OSRM server
- Library updates of Curl, GeoPandas, etc.
Bug fixes
- view fails with multiple geometry columns
- Ensure unique coordinate reference system in Nearest Joiner node
For a full list of all solved tickets in this release click here.
For more information on how to update to the latest version of the Geospatial Extension see the KNIME documentation.
Version 1.1.1
This is a bug fix release that includes smaller enhancements. The major change is the update of the underlying GeoPandas library to version 0.13.2 that fixes two regressions in the library related to reading geospatial files. The enhancements are around supporting string and long columns as ID column in various nodes.
For a detailed list of all fixed bug see the release page.
Version 1.1.0
This is a summary of the changes introduced with this release of the Geospatial Extension. One major addition of this release is the support for geocoding. In addition this release adds support for drive time analysis via the new spatial network nodes. This release is only the starting point and we will continue to extend this functionality with future releases.
For more information on how to update to the latest version of the Geospatial Extension see the KNIME documentation.
This version works best with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.7.3 or 4.7.4.
New nodes
- Spatial network nodes for drive time analysis e.g., isochrone map, drive time distance matrices (OSRM and Google)
- Geocoding nodes that convert points to addresses and vice versa
- Various other nodes such as Voronoi (Thiessen) Polygon, Bounding Circle and Extract Metadata such as CRS and geometry type
- Harmonized distance handling in various nodes that allows users to select the desired distance unit and performs projection if necessary
- Improved result column handling that allows the user to decide to overwrite the input column with the result or append a new column
- Support for user selected ID column in Spatial Weights nodes
- Extended file support allows for reading online GDB and GPKG files as well as support for KML/KMLZ files
- Spatial Join node with new options “has its center in” and “contains the center of”
- Support for date & time columns in geospatial view nodes
- Various node description improvements
- Library updates of Curl, Fiona, Folium, GeoPandas, PyPROJ, PySAL, Shapely, etc.
Bug fixes
- Missing value and special character handling in various visualization nodes
- DataApp compatibility of visualization nodes
- Fix problem when executed in read-only KNIME installations
- Fix problem when executed in offline environment
First release of the Geospatial Analytics Extension for KNIME
This is the first official release of the Geospatial Analytics Extension for KNIME which includes more than 50 nodes for Geospatial data analysis in the KNIME Analytics Platform.
Release candidate 2
Merge pull request #79 from spatial-data-lab/main Ready for release
Release Candidate 1
This is the first release candidate used in internal testing.
Updated KNIME Hub and Jenkins test release
Merge pull request #8 from spatial-data-lab/main Pull latest changes for test release
KNIME Hub and Jenkins test release
This release is only for testing the release infrastructure e.g. KNIME Hub and Jenkins.