456 commits
to master
since this release
4.4.0 (2024-06-16)
What's Changed
- docs: DOC-1177 by @lennessyy in #2800
- docs: add new hardware requirements backport by @lennessyy in #2804
- docs: update postman link 4.3 by @lennessyy in #2795
- chore: Fix a broken link by @yuliiiah in #2810
- docs: add kubernetes version downgrade warning and hello-universe pack version DOC-1165 DOC-1174 by @addetz in #2786
- 4.3 API Docs by @prathabk in #2807
- Update hardware-requirements.md by @antongisli in #2809
- Deprecated Packs Clarification by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2682
- Rhel pxk fips by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2728
- chore: fix tf code by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2830
- docs: DOC-1166 image update by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2773
- docs: update crossplane provider version by @caroldelwing in #2837
- chore: bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.33.2 to 7.34.1 by @dependabot in #2734
- Airgap Support VM custom SSL Certs by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2846
- Cluster profile resource usage computation by @brathina-spectro in #2802
- chore: bump @commitlint/cli from 17.8.1 to 19.3.0 by @dependabot in #2733
- docs: rename local mgmt api by @lennessyy in #2845
- chore: bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.8.1 to 19.2.2 by @dependabot in #2735
- chore: update validator URL by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2875
- docs: DOC-1188 by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2878
- chore: fix path release date by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2880
- docs: make minor fixes to local ui docs by @lennessyy in #2854
- docs: change fix build branch by @lennessyy in #2884
- ci: updated logic to enable Netlify previews for release branch PRs by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2888
- docs: Update authorization-token.md by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2896
- Known issue csi by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2889
- docs: add PartialsComponent to handle Docusaurus Markdown Imports in librarium DOC-1189 by @addetz in #2887
- Airgap VMware upgrade: Add missing steps by @yuliiiah in #2892
- docs: add missing fips cmd to user data by @lennessyy in #2886
- Update create-cluster.md by @antongisli in #2924
- Clarity on which system administrator role can register Nutanix cloud by @cloudmaniac in #2922
- Fix the markup and layout of pages in the VMO section by @yuliiiah in #2928
- docs: add introduction to govcloud terraform support by @caroldelwing in #2927
- docs: replace palette control plane with management plane in pcg diag… by @caroldelwing in #2925
- docs: DOC-1190 update self-hosted instructions for login by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2936
- docs: fix broken table, change tab order by @caroldelwing in #2947
- docs: add community packs page DOC-1187 by @addetz in #2910
- Fix broken links for ngrok by @yuliiiah in #2965
- docs: updated proxy domain table by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2966
- chore: bump ts-jest from 29.1.2 to 29.1.4 by @dependabot in #2958
- chore: bump sqren/backport-github-action from 9.3.1 to 9.5.1 by @dependabot in #2957
- docs: upgrade docusaurus to version 3.4.0 by @caroldelwing in #2977
- docs: PEM-3526 by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2988
- chore: fix netlify issue that caused master to build by @karl-cardenas-coding in #2997
- Microk8s update by @caroldelwing in #3002
- security advisories for false positive critical CVEs on spectro-drive… by @afayasa in #2964
- chore: bump @types/jest from 29.5.11 to 29.5.12 by @dependabot in #2960
- Update security-bulletins.md by @chainsaw2k in #3011
- chore: k8s report by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3023
- chore: vertex known issue by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3030
- docs: add stable IP requirements by @lennessyy in #3033
- docs: highlight CIS hardening by @lennessyy in #3034
- docs: fix user data alignment issue by @lennessyy in #3045
- vSphere Version 6 series support by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3053
- Known Issues Publication by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3052
- Known Issue by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3063
- docs: add versioning logic to the PartialsComponent DOC-1198 by @addetz in #3035
- ci: update Vale by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3075
- RKE2 Overlay Network Support by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3074
- docs: remove overlay limitation by @lennessyy in #3082
- docs: Update colon.yml by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3084
- docs: updated VMware permissions by @karl-cardenas-coding in #3090
- docs: add note about contacting sales team for qr code registration app by @lennessyy in #3062
- docs: add vsphere supported versions table by @caroldelwing in #3101
- Release v.4.4.x by @yuliiiah in #2755
New Contributors
- @chainsaw2k made their first contribution in #3011
Full Changelog: v4.3.1...v4.4.0