A Flutter app to help to understand covid-19 with live global and local states and A smart SOS feature with local indian helpline number
This is a A Flutter project for covid-19 live stats.the project will guide you with the precaaution and the most affected areas as on heatmap,you can use helpline numbers to call directly to the service center where they will assist you for further process. the SOS function can be found usefull at the emmergancy conditions.
Implementations of languages:
.dart | Java | Python | XML |
Unpresedented attack of the virus Covid-19 has hit worse on both small scale as well as large scale industries. Service providing companies got crushed down. And now when it is clear that the virus will have deepest possible impact on the world economy, many of the states will be interdependent for growth and support. Corona outbroke in last week of december at Wuhan.
this gave me an idea about creating a live support and stat showing application for normal peoples who are suffering from this massive outbreak.
build with flutter for android.
for ios use xclient and compile this again
1]download or fork this repo
2]extract the zip by usig any extractor
3]You can use both android studio as well as vs code,I prefer Vs code:)
4]open this folder by using vs code.
5]navigate to covid19helper/lib/helper/key.dart
and put your own key that you gate from newsapi.org
6]navigate to covid19helper/lib/services/twilio chat.dart
and put your own
accountSid: '**********************',
authToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', that you gate from twilio account
7]open terminal and type
flutter doctor
8]After every green signal from doctor just use
flutter get
9]after this just run the thing
flutter run
10] hola done you built your own app
covid19 india stats by covid19.org
global stats heruku
twilio sms api flutter pub dev
newsapi by news
You can use this for daily stats as well as in emmergency conditions,by USing SOS you can directly send msg to the helpeline near your area
feel free to fork this repoistory. Add your own features and send PR.