Converts Rise of the Triad maps and textures to Quake MAP and WAD files.
- Go 1.14+
- Make
- quake101.wad file
Copy quake101.wad to the r2q-data/ folder in the repository root.
./rott2quake -help
This will dump out (most) textures in ROTT's .wad file to a destination folder as well as a .wad file usable in Quake:
./rott2quake -wad-out quake-rott.wad -dump DARKWAR.WAD <dest dir>
This will dump the following map data into a new folder: an HTML file containing the map grid, 3 files showing the wall/sprite/info plane values, and a .map file of the converted level that can be generated with TrenchBroom or ericw-tools.
NOTE: you need to generate a Quake .wad file from the invocation above and pass the path to it as -wad-out
./rott2quake -wad-out quake-rott.wad -rtl DARKWAR.RTL -rtl-map-outdir <dest dir>
or, with DARKWAR.RTL in the r2q-data/ folder:
make dump-maps
If you're generating maps to play in Dusk, scale the map to at least 1.5 its size:
./rott2quake -wad-out quake-rott.wad -rtl DARKWAR.RTL -rtl-map-scale 1.5 -rtl-map-outdir <dest dir>
or, with DARKWAR.RTL in the r2q-data/ folder:
make dump-maps-dusk
./rott2quake -pak -dump pak0.pak <dest dir>
./rott2quake -list DARKWAR.WAD
./rott2quake -list -quake r2q-data/quake101.wad
- World structure
- Masked walls
- Platforms
- Trampolines
- Weapon placement
- Enemy placement
- Doors
- Touchplate Triggers
- Pushwalls
- Doors
- Moving Walls
- GADs
- Obstacles
- Flamethrowers
- Fireball shooters
- Rotating Blades
- Crushers
- Spikes
- Tops and bottoms of hswitch platforms are (intentionally) not rendered
- Map Scale cannot go past 3x without bad things happening. Quake won't render the floor or ceiling.
- Maps with more than 2 keys cannot be played in Quake. Maps with more than 3 keys cannot be played in Quake nor Dusk.
- The Quake Mapping Discord
- The New Blood Discord