fiat v1.32.0
e77eba1 feat(api): Add support for more Spring Security APIs (#966)
b655872 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#965)
ce8faf8 fix(permissions): ensure lower case for resource name in fiat_permission and fiat_resource tables (#963)
906ecd7 perf(fiat-roles): Cache long-running roles' synchronization process (#962)
9e7b7a0 fix(roles): Ensure account manager role is cached (#960)
f5b7b13 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#959)
8b6d86c chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#958)
bd7b2a3 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#957)
6c22e4c fix(ci): Only bumpdep Halyard for master branch (#947)
8972abd fix(google): skip groups for service accounts (#953)
d383865 chore(ci): Mergify - merge Autobumps on release-* (#949)
843977c fix(ci): fetch previous tag from git instead of API (#948)
2c25f8e chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#942)
ce2bc52 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#941)
3a2a347 chore(ci): Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#940)
c879f34 fix(dependency): Issue of missing javax.validation:validation-api dependency while upgrading the spring cloud to Hoxton.SR12 in kork (#939)
3577960 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#937)