Releases: splendiddata/puppet_pure_barman
Releases · splendiddata/puppet_pure_barman
No 'ssh output clean' message with motd
- Fixed 'ssh output clean' message when motd message is set
Seperate location of barman data, and cleanup
- You can now specify a different location for barman files. /var/pgpure/barman will still used, but will be a symlink pointing to that other location
- Cleanup in pure_postgres:
- Moved some manifests to subfolders
- Renamed client::client_[modname] modules to client::[modname]
- Bounced pure_postgres version to 1.1.1
This should hold all to create a barman server or configure a barman client properly.
- Cleanup with puppet lint
- Moved client stuff to client subdir.
- Added a line to some files and templates stating that the file is managed by puppet
- Added a copyright statement to manifests, files and templates
- Added release notes which are deployed to the server
New release of pure_postgres
bumped version in metadata.json fro pure_postgres module.
Initial working release of pure_barman module
With this release a replicated cluster can be configured as barman clients and a server can be configured as a barman server. clients will export configuration for barman server and vice versa (link is made by configuring fqdn of barman server in pure_repmgr role)