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Merge pull request #363 from KevinCathcart/entrance0.5.2
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sporchia authored Jan 9, 2018
2 parents 6144fb8 + 8f75cf1 commit 2a9cb40
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Showing 5 changed files with 60 additions and 193 deletions.
186 changes: 1 addition & 185 deletions app/EntranceRandomizer.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
class EntranceRandomizer extends Randomizer {
const LOGIC = -1;
const VERSION = '0.5.1';
const VERSION = '0.5.2';
private $spoiler;
private $patch;
protected $shuffle;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ public function writeToRom(Rom $rom) {
$rom->write($address, pack('C*', ...$bytes));

return $rom;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,187 +165,4 @@ public function saveSeedRecord() {

return $this->seed->hash;

* Set all texts for this randomization
* @param Rom $rom ROM to write to
* @return $this
public function setTexts(Rom $rom) {
"We're out of\nWeetabix. To\nthe store!",
"This seed is\nbootless\nuntil boots.",
"Why do we only\nhave one bed?",
"This is the\nonly textbox.",
"I'm going to\ngo watch the\nMoth tutorial.",
"This seed is\nthe worst.",
"Chasing tail.\nFly ladies.\nDo not follow.",
"I feel like\nI've done this\nbefore...",
"Magic cape can\npass through\nthe barrier!",
"If this is a\nKanzeon seed,\nI'm quitting.",
"I am not your\nreal uncle.",
"You're going\nto have a very\nbad time.",
"Today you\nwill have\nbad luck.",
"I am leaving\nforever.\nGoodbye.",
"Don't worry.\nI got this\ncovered.",
"Race you to\nthe castle!",
"\n hi",
"It's dangerous\nto go alone.\nSee ya!",
"\n\n I AM ERROR",
"This seed is\nsub 2 hours,\nguaranteed.",
"The chest is\na secret to\neverybody.",
"I'm off to\nfind the\nwind fish.",
"The shortcut\nto Ganon\nis this way!",
"Time to fight\nhe who must\nnot be named.",
"Well\nexcuuuuuse me,\nprincess!",
"5,000 Rupee\nreward for >\nYou're boned",
"Welcome to\nStoops Lonk's\nHoose",
"Erreur de\ntraduction.\nsvp reessayer",
"I could beat\nit in an hour\nand one life",

"I hate insect\npuns, they\nreally bug me.",
"I haven't seen\nthe eye doctor\nin years",
"I don't see\nyou having a\nbright future",
"Are you doing\na blind run\nof this game?",
"pizza joke? no\nI think it's a\nbit too cheesy",
"A novice skier\noften jumps to\ncontusions.",
"the beach?\nI'm not shore\nI can make it.",
"Rental agents\noffer quarters\nfor dollars.",
"I got my tires\nfixed for a\nflat rate.",
"New lightbulb\ninvented?\nEnlighten me.",
"A baker's job\nis a piece of\ncake.",
"My optometrist\nsaid I have\nvision!",
"when you're a\nbaker, don't\nloaf around",
"mire requires\nether quake,\nor bombos",
"Broken pencils\nare pointless.",
"The food they\nserve guards\nlasts sentries",
"being crushed\nby big objects\nis depressing.",
"A tap dancer's\nroutine runs\nhot and cold.",
"A weeknight is\na tiny\nnobleman",
"The chimney\nsweep wore a\nsoot and tye.",
"Gardeners like\nto spring into\naction.",

"What do you\ncall a blind\ndinosaur?\nadoyouthink-\nhesaurus\n",
"A blind man\nwalks into\na bar.\nAnd a table.\nAnd a chair.\n",
"What do ducks\nlike to eat?\n\nQuackers!\n",
"How do you\nset up a party\nin space?\n\nYou planet!\n",
"I'm glad I\nknow sign\nlanguage,\nit's pretty\nhandy.\n",
"What did Zelda\nsay to Link at\na secure door?\n\nTRIFORCE!\n",
"I am on a\nseafood diet.\n\nEvery time\nI see food,\nI eat it.",
"I've decided\nto sell my\nvacuum.\nIt was just\ngathering\ndust.",
"Whats the best\ntime to go to\nthe dentist?\n\nTooth-hurtie!\n",
"Why can't a\nbike stand on\nits own?\n\nIt's two-tired!\n",
"If you haven't\nfound Quake\nyet…\nit's not your\nfault.",
"Why is Peter\nPan always\nflying?\nBecause he\nNeverlands!",
"I once told a\njoke to Armos.\n\nBut he\nremained\nstone-faced!",
"Lanmola was\nlate to our\ndinner party.\nHe just came\nfor the desert",
"Moldorm is\nsuch a\nprankster.\nAnd I fall for\nit every time!",
"Helmasaur is\nthrowing a\nparty.\nI hope it's\na masquerade!",
"I'd like to\nknow Arrghus\nbetter.\nBut he won't\ncome out of\nhis shell!",
"Mothula didn't\nhave much fun\nat the party.\nHe's immune to\nspiked punch!",
"Don't set me\nup with that\nchick from\nSteve's Town.\n\n\nI'm not\ninterested in\na Blind date!",
"Kholdstare is\nafraid to go\nto the circus.\nHungry kids\nthought he was\ncotton candy!",
"I asked who\nVitreous' best\nfriends are.\nHe said,\n'Me, Myself,\nand Eye!'",
"Trinexx can be\na hothead or\nhe can be an\nice guy. In\nthe end, he's\na solid\nindividual!",
"Bari thought I\nhad moved out\nof town.\nHe was shocked\nto see me!",
"I can only get\nWeetabix\naround here.\nI have to go\nto Steve's\nTown for Count\nChocula!",
"Don't argue\nwith a frozen\nDeadrock.\nHe'll never\nchange his\nposition!",
"I offered to a\ndrink to a\nself-loathing\nGhini.\nHe said he\ndidn't like\nspirits!",
"I was supposed\nto meet Gibdo\nfor lunch.\nBut he got\nwrapped up in\nsomething!",
"Goriya sure\nhas changed\nin this game.\nI hope he\ncomes back\naround!",
"Hinox actually\nwants to be a\nlawyer.\nToo bad he\nbombed the\nbar exam!",
"I'm surprised\nMoblin's tusks\nare so gross.\nHe always has\nhis Trident\nwith him!",
"Don’t tell\nStalfos I’m\nhere.\nHe has a bone\nto pick with\nme!",
"I got\nWallmaster to\nhelp me move\nfurniture.\nHe was really\nhandy!",
"Wizzrobe was\njust here.\nHe always\nvanishes right\nbefore we get\nthe check!",
"I shouldn't\nhave picked up\nZora's tab.\nThat guy\ndrinks like\na fish!",
"I was sharing\na drink with\nPoe.\nFor no reason,\nhe left in a\nheartbeat!",
"Don’t trust\nhorsemen on\nDeath Mountain\nThey’re Lynel\nthe time!",
"Today's\nspecial is\nbattered bat.\nGot slapped\nfor offering a\nlady a Keese!",
"Don’t walk\nunder\npropellered\npineapples.\nYou may end up\nwearing\na pee hat!",
"My girlfriend\nburrowed under\nthe sand.\nSo I decided\nto Leever!",
"Geldman wants\nto be a\nBroadway star.\nHe’s always\npracticing\nJazz Hands!",
"Octoballoon\nmust be mad\nat me.\nHe blows up\nat the sight\nof me!",
"Toppo is a\ntotal pothead.\n\nHe hates it\nwhen you take\naway his grass",
"I lost my\nshield by a\nthat house.\nWhy did they\nput up a\nPikit fence?!",
"Know that fox\nin Steve’s\nTown?\nHe’ll Pikku\npockets if you\naren't careful",
"Dash through\nDark World\nbushes.\nYou’ll see\nGanon is tryin\nto Stal you!",
"Eyegore!\n\nYou gore!\nWe all gore\nthose jerks\nwith arrows!",
"I like my\nwhiskey neat.\n\nSome prefer it\nOctoroks!",
"I consoled\nFreezor over a\ncup of coffee.\nHis problems\njust seemed to\nmelt away!",
"Magic droplets\nof water don’t\nshut up.\nThey just\nKyameron!",
"I bought hot\nwings for\nSluggula.\nThey gave him\nexplosive\ndiarrhea!",
"Hardhat Beetle\nwon’t\nLet It Be?\nTell it to Get\nBack or give\nit a Ticket to\nRide down\na hole!",

"Start your day\nsmiling with a\ndelicious\nwholegrain\nbreakfast\ncreated for\nyour\nincredible\ninsides.",
"You drove\naway my other\nself, Agahnim\ntwo times…\nBut, I won't\ngive you the\nTriforce.\nI'll defeat\nyou!",
"Impa says that\nthe mark on\nyour hand\nmeans that you\nare the hero\nchosen to\nawaken Zelda.\nyour blood can\nresurrect me.",
"Don't stand,\n\ndon't stand so\nDon't stand so\n\nclose to me\nDon't stand so\nclose to me\nback off buddy",
"So ya\nThought ya\nMight like to\ngo to the show\nTo feel the\nwarm thrill of\nconfusion\nThat space\ncadet glow.",
"Like other\npulmonate land\ngastropods,\nthe majority\nof land slugs\nhave two pairs\nof 'feelers'\nor tentacles\non their head.",
"If you were a\nburrito, what\nkind of a\nburrito would\nyou be?\nMe, I fancy I\nwould be a\nspicy barbacoa\nburrito.",
"I am your\nfather's\nbrother's\nnephew's\ncousin's\nformer\nroommate. What\ndoes that make\nus, you ask?",
"I'll be more\neager about\nencouraging\nthinking\noutside the\nbox when there\nis evidence of\nany thinking\ninside it.",
"If we're not\nmeant to have\nmidnight\nsnacks, then\nwhy is there\na light in the\nfridge?\n",
"I feel like we\nkeep ending up\nhere.\n\nDon't you?\n\nIt's like\nde'ja vu\nall over again",
"Did you know?\nThe biggest\nand heaviest\ncheese ever\nproduced\nweighed\n57,518 pounds,\nand was 32\nfeet long.",
"Now there was\na time, When\nyou loved me\nso. I couldn't\ndo wrong,\nAnd now you\nneed to know.\nSo How you\nlike me now?",
"Did you know?\nNutrition\nexperts\nrecommend that\nat least half\nof our daily\ngrains come\nfrom whole\ngrain products",

switch ($this->goal) {
case 'pedestal':
$rom->setGanon1InvincibleTextString("You cannot\nkill me, you\nshould go for\nyour real goal\nit's in the\npedestal.\n\nYou dingus\n");
case 'triforce-hunt':
$rom->setGanon1InvincibleTextString("So you thought\nyou could come\nhere and beat\nme? I have\nhidden the\ntriforce\npieces well.\nWithout them\nyou can't win!");
$rom->setGanon1InvincibleTextString("You think you\nare ready to\nface me?\n\nI will not die\n\nunless you\ncomplete your\ngoals. Dingus!");

$rom->setGanon2InvincibleTextString("Got wax in\nyour ears?\nI can not die!");

"\n G G",
"All your base\nare belong\nto us.",
"You have ended\nthe domination\nof dr. wily",
" thanks for\n playing!!!",
"\n You Win!",
" Thank you!\n your quest\n is over.",
" A winner\n is\n you!",
"\n WINNER!!",
"\n I'm sorry\n\nbut your\nprincess is in\nanother castle",
"\n success!",
" Whelp…\n that just\n happened",
" Oh hey…\n it's you",
"\n Wheeeeee!!",
" Time for\n another one?",
"and\n\n scene",
"\n GOT EM!!",
"Cool seed,\n\nright?",
"\n We did it!",
" Spam those\n emotes in\n wilds chat",
"\n O M G",
" Hello. Will\n you be my\n friend?",
" Beetorp\n was\n here!",
"The Wind Fish\nwill wake\nsoon. Hoot!",

return $this;
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions composer.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"laravel/tinker": "^1.0",
"league/flysystem-rackspace": "^1.0",
"z3/enemizer": "6.0.22",
"z3/entrancerandomizer": "0.5.1"
"z3/entrancerandomizer": "0.5.2"
"require-dev": {
"sami/sami": "*",
Expand All @@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "z3/entrancerandomizer",
"version": "0.5.1",
"version": "0.5.2",
"source": {
"url": "",
"type": "git",
"reference": "tags/0.5.1-dev"
"reference": "tags/0.5.2-dev"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions composer.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions resources/assets/sass/app.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -179,3 +179,22 @@ input[readonly].custom-placed {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;

.tbody-striped {
> tbody {
> tr {
background-color: $table-bg-accent;
> tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
background-color: inherit;
> tbody:nth-of-type(odd){
> tr {
background-color: inherit;
> tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
background-color: $table-bg-accent;
36 changes: 34 additions & 2 deletions resources/views/_rom_spoiler.blade.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,38 @@ function pasrseSpoilerToTabs(spoiler) {
content.append($('<div id="spoiler-' + section.replace(/ /g, '_') + '" class="tab-pane'
+ ((section == active_nav) ? ' active' : '') + '">'
+ '</div>').append(table));
} else if (['paths'].indexOf(section) !== -1) {
var table = $('<table class="table tbody-striped"><thead><tr><th>Location</th><th>Region</th><th>Entrance/Exit</th></tr></thead></table>');
var keys = Object.keys(spoiler[section]).sort()
for (key in keys) {
var loc = keys[key];
var path = spoiler[section][loc];
var span = path.length;
var html = '<tbody><tr class="spoil-item-location"><td class="col-md-4" rowspan="' + span + '">' + loc + '</td>';
while (path.length) {
var segment = path.pop();
var region = segment[0];
var entrance = segment[1];
html += '<td class="col-md-4">' + region + "</td>";
html += '<td class="col-md-4">' + entrance + "</td>";
} else {
html += '<td class="col-md-4"></td>';
html += '</tr>';
if (path.length) {
html += '<tr class="spoil-item-location">';
html += '</tbody>'
content.append($('<div id="spoiler-' + section.replace(/ /g, '_') + '" class="tab-pane'
+ ((section == active_nav) ? ' active' : '') + '">'
+ '</div>').append(table));
} else if (['playthrough'].indexOf(section) === -1) {
var table = $('<table class="table table-striped"><thead><tr><th>Location</th><th>Item</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>');
var tbody = table.find('tbody');
Expand All @@ -101,13 +133,13 @@ function pasrseSpoilerToTabs(spoiler) {
+ ((section == active_nav) ? ' active' : '') + '"><pre>' + JSON.stringify(spoiler[section], null, 4)
+ '</pre></div>'));
if (['meta', 'playthrough', 'Fountains', 'Medallions'].indexOf(section) === -1) {
if (['meta', 'playthrough', 'Fountains', 'Medallions', 'paths'].indexOf(section) === -1) {
tabsContent.set('spoiler-' + section.replace(/ /g, '_'), Object.keys(spoiler[section]).map(function (key) {
return spoiler[section][key];
for (loc in spoiler[section]) {
if (['meta', 'playthrough', 'Fountains', 'Medallions'].indexOf(section) > -1) continue;
if (['meta', 'playthrough', 'Fountains', 'Medallions', 'paths'].indexOf(section) > -1) continue;
items[spoiler[section][loc]] = true;
var sopts = '';
Expand Down

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