This library provides a C-language interface to read and write files in the Spotfire Binary Data Format (SBDF).
If you are using a development environment that supports directly opening CMake projects, simply open this repository in that environment and build the resulting project.
Otherwise, do the following:
- Download and install CMake for your system.
- Open a shell or command prompt. Make sure that your compiler toolchain is
accessible on the
(i.e., without specifying the full path to the tools). - Optionally (but highly recommended), make a directory for building in and change the working directory of the shell or command prompt to the new directory:
$ mkdir builddir
$ cd builddir
- Run the
executable to generate the build project files used to build the library. You can include any options supported by CMake (e.g., to specify a non-default generator). If a build directory was created in step 3 above, run:
$ cmake path/to/spotfire-sbdf-c
Otherwise, run:
$ cmake .
- Build the library using your compiler toolchain:
$ cmake --build .
BSD-type 3-Clause License. See the file LICENSE
included in the repository.