This pacakge is currently under developement so there might be some functions not working or not complete. Thank You!
A spotify-api wrapper in golang
go get
To get the client simply import the module and call the New
import (
client := spotify.Client("token") //the oauth token
Searching artists or tracks
import (
client := spotify.Client("token") //the oauth token
tracks,err := client.SearchTracks("oh my god by alec benjamin")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ERROR: " + err) //incase if there is an Error
fmt.Println(tracks.Tracks.Items[0].Name) // Prints : Oh My God
//Searching for artists
artists ,err2 := client.SearchArtists("Alec Benjamin")
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Println("ERROR: " + err) //incase if there is an Error
fmt.Println(artists.Artists.Items[0].Name) // Prints : Alec Benjamin