This is simple demo for gamified city planning. The open source game engine is based on Minecraft-demo at, which is written in Python and Pyglet (see We have supplemented the program with open data taken from the databases of the Helsinki City Planning Department and the laser scanning data of the National Land Survey of Finland. The used data sets have been pre-processed using commonly available GIS-tools. For visualiation, we have also added some R-code which works well for not too large point clouds.
For those interested in developing the visualization routines etc. further, we would like to point out that there is a more advanced version available which has been written in C using modern OpenGL, see
Depending on what you have installed on your computer the installation of the program should be easy: On Macs (with pre-installed python) simply copy the contents of the directory GamifiedCityPlanning-MC1 on your computer and then type
If there are any problems, follow the more detaled instruction below. If everything works out, it will take a few seconds to initialize the virtual world after which you can start playing.
How to Play Moving
W: forward
S: back
A: strafe left
D: strafe right
Mouse: look around
Space: jump
Tab: toggle flying mode
Selecting type of block to create:
1: brick
2: grass
3: sand
Mouse left-click: remove block
Mouse right-click: create block
ESC: release mouse, then close window
How to Run
pip install pyglet git clone cd Minecraft python
On Mac OS X, you may have an issue with running Pyglet in 64-bit mode. Try running Python in 32-bit mode first:
arch -i386 python
If that doesn't work, set Python to run in 32-bit mode by default:
defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes
This assumes you are using the OS X default Python. Works on Lion 10.7 with the default Python 2.7, and may work on other versions too. Please raise an issue if not.
Or try Pyglet 1.2 alpha, which supports 64-bit mode:
pip install
If you don't have pip or git
For pip:
Mac or Linux: install with sudo easy_install pip (Mac or Linux) - or (Linux) find a package called something like 'python-pip' in your package manager.
Windows: install Distribute then Pip using the linked .MSI installers.
For git:
Mac: install Homebrew first, then brew install git.
Windows or Linux: see Installing Git from the Pro Git book.