This backend version of the Spring Petclinic application only provides a REST API. There is no UI. The spring-petclinic-angular project is a Angular front-end application which consumes the REST API.
See the presentation of the Spring Petclinic Framework version
git clone
cd spring-petclinic-rest
./mvnw spring-boot:run
docker run -p 9966:9966 springcommunity/spring-petclinic-rest
You can then access petclinic here: http://localhost:9966/petclinic/
There is an actuator health check route as well:
This project provides a RESTful API for managing a veterinary clinic's owners, pets, veterinarians, visits, and specialties.
Swagger UI is available at: http://localhost:9966/petclinic/swagger-ui.html.
API documentation (OAS 3.1) is accessible at: http://localhost:9966/petclinic/v3/api-docs.
Method | Endpoint | Description |
Owners | ||
GET | /api/owners |
Retrieve all pet owners |
GET | /api/owners/{ownerId} |
Get a pet owner by ID |
POST | /api/owners |
Add a new pet owner |
PUT | /api/owners/{ownerId} |
Update an owner’s details |
DELETE | /api/owners/{ownerId} |
Delete an owner |
GET | /api/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId} |
Get a pet by ID (owner’s pet) |
PUT | /api/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId} |
Update pet details (owner’s pet) |
POST | /api/owners/{ownerId}/pets |
Add a new pet to an owner |
POST | /api/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/visits |
Add a vet visit for a pet |
Pets | ||
GET | /api/pets |
Retrieve all pets |
GET | /api/pets/{petId} |
Get a pet by ID |
POST | /api/pets |
Add a new pet |
PUT | /api/pets/{petId} |
Update pet details |
DELETE | /api/pets/{petId} |
Delete a pet |
Vets | ||
GET | /api/vets |
Retrieve all veterinarians |
GET | /api/vets/{vetId} |
Get a vet by ID |
POST | /api/vets |
Add a new vet |
PUT | /api/vets/{vetId} |
Update vet details |
DELETE | /api/vets/{vetId} |
Delete a vet |
Pet Types | ||
GET | /api/pettypes |
Retrieve all pet types |
GET | /api/pettypes/{petTypeId} |
Get a pet type by ID |
POST | /api/pettypes |
Add a new pet type |
PUT | /api/pettypes/{petTypeId} |
Update pet type details |
DELETE | /api/pettypes/{petTypeId} |
Delete a pet type |
Specialties | ||
GET | /api/specialties |
Retrieve all vet specialties |
GET | /api/specialties/{specialtyId} |
Get a specialty by ID |
POST | /api/specialties |
Add a new specialty |
PUT | /api/specialties/{specialtyId} |
Update a specialty |
DELETE | /api/specialties/{specialtyId} |
Delete a specialty |
Visits | ||
GET | /api/visits |
Retrieve all vet visits |
GET | /api/visits/{visitId} |
Get a visit by ID |
POST | /api/visits |
Add a new visit |
PUT | /api/visits/{visitId} |
Update a visit |
DELETE | /api/visits/{visitId} |
Delete a visit |
Users | ||
POST | /api/users |
Create a new user |
See its repository here:
Our issue tracker is available here:
By default, Petclinic uses an in-memory H2 database, which is automatically populated with sample data at startup.
Petclinic supports the following databases:
- H2 (Default, In-Memory)
- HSQLDB (Alternative In-Memory Option)
- MySQL (Persistent)
- PostgreSQL (Persistent)
You can change the database by updating the
property in
Database | Profile Configuration |
H2 (Default) |,spring-data-jpa |
HSQLDB (Alternative In-Memory) |,spring-data-jpa |
MySQL (Persistent) |,spring-data-jpa |
PostgreSQL (Persistent) |,spring-data-jpa |
For more details, see the Spring Boot documentation.
- No additional setup is required.
- The database schema and sample data are loaded automatically from
. - You can access the H2 Console to inspect the database.
- Run the application:
mvn spring-boot:run
- Open H2 Console in your browser:
- URL: http://localhost:9966/h2-console
- Username:
- Password: (leave blank)
HSQLDB works similarly to H2 as an in-memory database.
No additional setup is required—schema and sample data are loaded automatically from
. -
Swtich to HSQLDB by modifying,spring-data-jpa
Start a MySQL database using Docker:
docker run -e MYSQL_USER=petclinic -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=petclinic -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=petclinic -p 3306:3306 mysql:8.4
Start a PostgreSQL database using Docker:
docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=petclinic -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=petclinic -e POSTGRES_DB=petclinic -p 5432:5432 postgres:16.3
Instead of manually running containers, you can also use docker-compose.yml
docker-compose --profile mysql up
docker-compose --profile postgres up
This API is built following some API First approach principles.
It is specified through the OpenAPI. It is specified in this file.
Some of the required classes are generated during the build time. Here are the generated file types:
- DTOs
- API template interfaces specifying methods to override in the controllers
To see how to get them generated you can read the next chapter.
Some of the required classes are generated during the build time using maven or any IDE (e.g., IntelliJ Idea or Eclipse).
All of these classes are generated into the target/generated-sources
Here is a list of the generated packages and the corresponding tooling:
Package name | Tool |
org.springframework.samples.petclinic.mapper | MapStruct | | OpenAPI Generator maven plugin |
To get both, you have to run the following command:
mvn clean install
In its default configuration, Petclinic doesn't have authentication and authorization enabled.
In order to use the basic authentication functionality, turn in on from the
This will secure all APIs and in order to access them, basic authentication is required. Apart from authentication, APIs also require authorization. This is done via roles that a user can have. The existing roles are listed below with the corresponding permissions
There is an existing user with the username admin
and password admin
that has access to all APIs.
In order to add a new user, please make POST /api/users
request with the following payload:
"username": "secondAdmin",
"password": "password",
"enabled": true,
"roles": [
{ "name" : "OWNER_ADMIN" }
The following items should be installed in your system:
- Maven 3 (
- git command line tool (
- Eclipse with the m2e plugin (m2e is installed by default when using the STS ( distribution of Eclipse)
Note: when m2e is available, there is an m2 icon in Help -> About dialog. If m2e is not there, just follow the install process here:
- Eclipse with the mapstruct plugin installed.
- In the command line
git clone
- Inside Eclipse
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven project
Layer | Source |
REST API controllers | REST folder |
Service | |
JDBC | jdbc folder |
JPA | jpa folder |
Spring Data JPA | springdatajpa folder |
Tests | |
This application uses Google Jib to build an optimized Docker image into the Docker Hub repository.
The pom.xml has been configured to publish the image with name: springcommunity/spring-petclinic-rest
Command line to run:
mvn compile jib:build -X -DjibSerialize=true
To benchmark the scalability of the PetClinic REST API, a JMeter test plan is available.
- See the JMeter Performance Test for details.
- Run the test using:
jmeter -n -t src/test/jmeter/petclinic-jmeter-crud-benchmark.jmx \ -Jthreads=100 -Jduration=600 -Jops=2000 -Jramp_time=120 \ -l results/petclinic-test-results.jtl
The Spring Petclinic master branch in the main spring-projects GitHub org is the "canonical" implementation, currently based on Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.
This spring-petclinic-rest project is one of the several forks hosted in a special GitHub org: spring-petclinic. If you have a special interest in a different technology stack that could be used to implement the Pet Clinic then please join the community there.
The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports, features requests and submitting pull requests.
For pull requests, editor preferences are available in the editor config for easy use in common text editors. Read more and download plugins at