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Known Limitations & Issues

Kris De Volder edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 9 revisions

Known limitations

  • Spring Integration namespaces not resolved correctly (since Spring Tools 4.8.0 release)

    • Due to the introduction of Wild Web Developer components to the default distribution package, you might hit a wrong error message when working with Spring Integration XML config files in your projects. This is caused by the project-related XSD namespace solution mechanism not yet being ported to the new XML tooling of the Wild Web Developer package. Therefore the XML language server which is embedded in there creates a wrong error message in certain cases. While we are working on porting the project-related XSD namespace resolution mechanism to this new context, you can workaround this issue by disabling the XML language server in the preferences. The details of this are described here:
  • Java 11+ required

  • Windows

    • If "Live Boot Hints" not showing up when they are supposed to check if <User-Temp-Folder> has file hsperf-<username>. If yes, delete this file and restart your boot app and STS4 (Eclipse, VSCode or Atom).
  • Lombok

    • The Lombok installer doesn't know about the changed name of the STS4 executable and therefore doesn't find it. Nevertheless you can install Lombok manually by modifying the SpringTools4.ini file yourself.
  • Live Hovers not showing up

    • make sure the Spring Boot Actuators are on the classpath (add the Maven dependency, if necessary)
    • make sure your project is either Boot 1.5.x or higher
    • make sure you run on a JDK, not a JRE (see above)
    • there are some network configuration cases that prevent the language server from connecting to the running Spring Boot application via JMX. In that case, add -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost to the VM arguments when starting up your Spring Boot app.
    • On Windows... it is fairly common for the folder at %TMP%\hsperf-%USERNAM% to get wrong permissions, especially if you recently installed / reinstalled or updated your JDK. To fix this, simply delete the folder and restart your Boot app and STS 4 (Eclipse, VSCode or Theia). The next java process you start should recreate the folder with correct permissions.
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