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[receiver/datadog] Add support for sketches (open-telemetry#34662)
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This PR adds support for translating Datadog sketches into Exponential

Follow up of open-telemetry#33631, open-telemetry#33957 and open-telemetry#34180.

The full version of the code can be found in the
`cedwards/datadog-metrics-receiver-full` branch, or in Grafana Alloy:

**Link to tracking Issue:** 

Unit tests, as well as an end-to-end test, have been added.


Signed-off-by: Federico Torres <>
Signed-off-by: György Krajcsovits <>
Co-authored-by: Federico Torres <>
Co-authored-by: György Krajcsovits <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored and jriguera committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent 8f136de commit 42a66a8
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,163 additions and 3 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions .chloggen/datadogreceiver-sketches.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Use this changelog template to create an entry for release notes.

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component: datadogreceiver

# A brief description of the change. Surround your text with quotes ("") if it needs to start with a backtick (`).
note: add support for sketch metrics in Datadog receiver

# Mandatory: One or more tracking issues related to the change. You can use the PR number here if no issue exists.
issues: [18278]

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294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions receiver/datadogreceiver/internal/translator/sketches.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package translator // import ""

import (



const (
// The relativeAccuracy (also called epsilon or eps) comes from DDSketch's logarithmic mapping, which is used for sketches
// in the Datadog agent. The Datadog agent uses the default value from opentelemetry-go-mapping configuration
// See:
relativeAccuracy = 1.0 / 128

// The gamma value comes from the default values of the epsilon/relative accuracy from opentelemetry-go-mapping. This value is used for
// finding the lower boundary of the bucket at a specific index
// See:
gamma = 1 + 2*relativeAccuracy

// Since the default bucket factor for Sketches (gamma value) is 1.015625, this corresponds to a scale between 5 (2^2^-5=1.0219)
// and 6 (2^2^-6=1.01088928605). However, the lower resolution of 5 will produce larger buckets which allows for easier mapping
scale = 5

// The agentSketchOffset value comes from the following calculation:
// min = 1e-9
// emin = math.Floor((math.Log(min)/math.Log1p(2*relativeAccuracy))
// offset = -emin + 1
// The resulting value is 1338.
// See:
// (Note: in Datadog's code, it is referred to as 'bias')
agentSketchOffset int32 = 1338

// The max limit for the index of a sketch bucket
// See
// and
maxIndex = math.MaxInt16

// Unmarshal the sketch payload, which contains the underlying Dogsketch structure used for the translation
func (mt *MetricsTranslator) HandleSketchesPayload(req *http.Request) (sp []gogen.SketchPayload_Sketch, err error) {
buf := GetBuffer()
defer PutBuffer(buf)
if _, err := io.Copy(buf, req.Body); err != nil {
return sp, err

pl := new(gogen.SketchPayload)
if err := pl.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return sp, err

return pl.GetSketches(), nil

func (mt *MetricsTranslator) TranslateSketches(sketches []gogen.SketchPayload_Sketch) pmetric.Metrics {
bt := newBatcher()
bt.Metrics = pmetric.NewMetrics()

for _, sketch := range sketches {
dimensions := parseSeriesProperties(sketch.Metric, "sketch", sketch.Tags, sketch.Host, mt.buildInfo.Version, mt.stringPool)
metric, metricID := bt.Lookup(dimensions)
dps := metric.ExponentialHistogram().DataPoints()


// The dogsketches field of the payload contains the sketch data
for i := range sketch.Dogsketches {
dp := dps.AppendEmpty()

err := sketchToDatapoint(sketch.Dogsketches[i], dp, dimensions.dpAttrs)
if err != nil {
// If a sketch is invalid, remove this datapoint
metric.ExponentialHistogram().DataPoints().RemoveIf(func(dp pmetric.ExponentialHistogramDataPoint) bool {
if dp.Positive().BucketCounts().Len() == 0 && dp.Negative().BucketCounts().Len() == 0 {
return true
return false
stream := identity.OfStream(metricID, dp)
if ts, ok := mt.streamHasTimestamp(stream); ok {
mt.updateLastTsForStream(stream, dp.Timestamp())

return bt.Metrics

func sketchToDatapoint(sketch gogen.SketchPayload_Sketch_Dogsketch, dp pmetric.ExponentialHistogramDataPoint, attributes pcommon.Map) error {
dp.SetTimestamp(pcommon.Timestamp(sketch.Ts * time.Second.Nanoseconds())) // OTel uses nanoseconds, while Datadog uses seconds

dp.SetZeroThreshold(math.Exp(float64(1-agentSketchOffset) / (1 / math.Log(gamma)))) // See


negativeBuckets, positiveBuckets, zeroCount, err := mapSketchBucketsToHistogramBuckets(sketch.K, sketch.N)
if err != nil {
return err


convertBucketLayout(positiveBuckets, dp.Positive())
convertBucketLayout(negativeBuckets, dp.Negative())

return nil

// mapSketchBucketsToHistogramBuckets attempts to map the counts in each Sketch bucket to the closest equivalent Exponential Histogram
// bucket(s). It works by first calculating an Exponential Histogram key that corresponds most closely with the Sketch key (using the lower
// bound of the sketch bucket the key corresponds to), calculates differences in the range of the Sketch bucket and exponential histogram bucket,
// and distributes the count to the corresponding bucket, and the bucket(s) after it, based on the proportion of overlap between the
// exponential histogram buckets and the Sketch bucket. Note that the Sketch buckets are not separated into positive and negative buckets, but exponential
// histograms store positive and negative buckets separately. Negative buckets in exponential histograms are mapped in the same way as positive buckets.
// Note that negative indices in exponential histograms do not necessarily correspond to negative values; they correspond with values between 0 and 1,
// on either the negative or positive side
func mapSketchBucketsToHistogramBuckets(sketchKeys []int32, sketchCounts []uint32) (map[int]uint64, map[int]uint64, uint64, error) {
var zeroCount uint64

var positiveBuckets = make(map[int]uint64)
var negativeBuckets = make(map[int]uint64)

// The data format for the sketch received from the sketch payload does not have separate positive and negative buckets,
// and instead just uses a single list of sketch keys that are in order by increasing bucket index, starting with negative indices,
// which correspond to negative buckets
for i := range sketchKeys {
if sketchKeys[i] == 0 { // A sketch key of 0 corresponds to the zero bucket
zeroCount += uint64(sketchCounts[i])
if sketchKeys[i] >= maxIndex {
// This should not happen, as sketches that contain bucket(s) with an index higher than the max
// limit should have already been discarded. However, if there happens to be an index > maxIndex,
// it can cause an infinite loop within the below inner for loop on some operating systems. Therefore,
// throw an error for sketches that have an index above the max limit
return nil, nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("Sketch contains bucket index %d which exceeds maximum supported index value %d", sketchKeys[i], maxIndex)

// The approach here is to use the Datadog sketch index's lower bucket boundary to find the
// OTel exponential histogram bucket that with the closest range to the sketch bucket. Then,
// the buckets before and after that bucket are also checked for overlap with the sketch bucket.
// A count proportional to the intersection of the sketch bucket with the OTel bucket(s) is then
// added to the OTel bucket(s). After looping through all possible buckets that are within the Sketch
// bucket range, the bucket with the highest proportion of overlap is given the remaining count
sketchLowerBound, sketchUpperBound := getSketchBounds(sketchKeys[i])
sketchBucketSize := sketchUpperBound - sketchLowerBound
histogramKey := sketchLowerBoundToHistogramIndex(sketchLowerBound)
highestCountProportion := 0.0
highestCountIdx := 0
targetBucketCount := uint64(sketchCounts[i])
var currentAssignedCount uint64

//TODO: look into better algorithms for applying fractional counts
for outIndex := histogramKey; histogramLowerBound(outIndex) < sketchUpperBound; outIndex++ {
histogramLowerBound, histogramUpperBound := getHistogramBounds(outIndex)
lowerIntersection := math.Max(histogramLowerBound, sketchLowerBound)
higherIntersection := math.Min(histogramUpperBound, sketchUpperBound)

intersectionSize := higherIntersection - lowerIntersection
proportion := intersectionSize / sketchBucketSize
if proportion <= 0 {
continue // In this case, the bucket does not overlap with the sketch bucket, so continue to the next bucket
if proportion > highestCountProportion {
highestCountProportion = proportion
highestCountIdx = outIndex
// OTel exponential histograms only support integer bucket counts, so rounding needs to be done here
roundedCount := uint64(proportion * float64(sketchCounts[i]))
if sketchKeys[i] < 0 {
negativeBuckets[outIndex] += roundedCount
} else {
positiveBuckets[outIndex] += roundedCount
currentAssignedCount += roundedCount
// Add the difference between the original sketch bucket's count and the total count that has been
// added to the matching OTel bucket(s) thus far to the bucket that had the highest proportion of
// overlap between the original sketch bucket and the corresponding exponential histogram buckets
if highestCountProportion > 0 {
additionalCount := targetBucketCount - currentAssignedCount
if sketchKeys[i] < 0 {
negativeBuckets[highestCountIdx] += additionalCount
} else {
positiveBuckets[highestCountIdx] += additionalCount


return negativeBuckets, positiveBuckets, zeroCount, nil

// convertBucketLayout populates the count for positive or negative buckets in the resulting OTel
// exponential histogram structure. The bucket layout is dense and consists of an offset, which is the
// index of the first populated bucket, and a list of counts, which correspond to the counts at the offset
// bucket's index, and the counts of each bucket after. Unpopulated/empty buckets must be represented with
// a count of 0. After assigning bucket counts, it sets the offset for the bucket layout
func convertBucketLayout(inputBuckets map[int]uint64, outputBuckets pmetric.ExponentialHistogramDataPointBuckets) {
if len(inputBuckets) == 0 {
bucketIdxs := make([]int, 0, len(inputBuckets))
for k := range inputBuckets {
bucketIdxs = append(bucketIdxs, k)

bucketsSize := bucketIdxs[len(bucketIdxs)-1] - bucketIdxs[0] + 1 // find total number of buckets needed
outputBuckets.BucketCounts().Append(make([]uint64, bucketsSize)...)

offset := bucketIdxs[0]

for _, idx := range bucketIdxs {
delta := idx - offset
outputBuckets.BucketCounts().SetAt(delta, inputBuckets[idx])

// getSketchBounds calculates the lower and upper bounds of a sketch bucket based on the index of the bucket.
// This is based on sketch buckets placing values in bucket so that γ^k <= v < γ^(k+1)
// See
// and
func getSketchBounds(index int32) (float64, float64) {
if index < 0 {
index = -index
return sketchLowerBound(index), sketchLowerBound(index + 1)

// sketchLowerBound calculates the lower bound of a sketch bucket based on the index of the bucket.
// It uses the index offset and multiplier (represented by (1 / math.Log(gamma))). The logic behind this
// is based on the DD agent using logarithmic mapping for definition DD agent sketches
// See:
func sketchLowerBound(index int32) float64 {
if index < 0 {
index = -index
return math.Exp((float64(index-agentSketchOffset) / (1 / math.Log(gamma))))

// getHistogramBounds returns the lower and upper boundaries of the histogram bucket that
// corresponds to the specified bucket index
func getHistogramBounds(histIndex int) (float64, float64) {
return histogramLowerBound(histIndex), histogramLowerBound(histIndex + 1)

// This equation for finding the lower bound of the exponential histogram bucket
// Based on:
// See also:
func histogramLowerBound(histIndex int) float64 {
inverseFactor := math.Ldexp(math.Ln2, -scale)
return math.Exp(float64(histIndex) * inverseFactor)

// sketchLowerBoundToHistogramIndex takes the lower boundary of a sketch bucket and computes the
// closest equivalent exponential histogram index that corresponds to an exponential histogram
// bucket that has a range covering that lower bound
// See:
func sketchLowerBoundToHistogramIndex(value float64) int {
if frac, exp := math.Frexp(value); frac == 0.5 {
return ((exp - 1) << scale) - 1
scaleFactor := math.Ldexp(math.Log2E, scale)

return int(math.Floor(math.Log(value) * scaleFactor))

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