Objective : Find the top influencers for a given social media platform.
SJSU : CS-255 Project on "Deterministic Threshold based Influence Maximization Algorithm"
** Final Code in : "submission" branch.
1.Sriarm Priyatham Siram
2.Charulata Lodha
Implementing the research paper for Twitter data set to find most influentential handles.
Link to Paper : https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/31ad/0c126c2cd5fb610f254fb32ace90ae2b6673.pdf
Data Set : https://snap.stanford.edu/data/ego-Twitter.html
Refer Branch : submission We have divided the implementation into two primary steps
- Preprocessing: We have defined an object hierachy to represent a directed weighted graph in code. A graph from the dataset is loaded and converted into the Graph object composed on Node. A Node object maintains the infomation of a vertex in the graph including its incident and outwards edges. Once the Graph object is created we serialize it to a file.
- Algorithm: We are in the process of creating an efficienet implementation of Threshold Difference Greedy Algorithm, mentioned in the above paper. We execute certaing parts of the alogrithm concurrently.