a web and command-line code search tool for teams.
Provides the service behind codesearcher
Updates to this repo will trigger a jenkins job to build, scan, and push the image to ECR.
The image launched on the codesearcher instance is managed by infra_chef.
Once a new image is uploaded, to deploy it requires an infra_chef PR to update the botanist_version attribute
(Don't forget to also bump the cookbook version in metadata.rb
and update CHANGELOG
some software packages are included to make this work. they are included in this repository for now for compatibility purposes.
The fast searching is made possible by the excellent codesearch tool from Google:
https://code.google.com/p/codesearch/ (cindex running on a periodic cron to re-index)
https://github.com/samkuehn/bitbucket-backup (running on a periodic cron to update the source code to search) NOTE: Enclosed under ./packages is a custom fork of samkeuhn/bitbucket-backup. I've issued several PR's that he's accepted so he is really quick and amenable to updates, I just haven't quite finished cleaning up the additions I made recently.
wrote up something to do this in Python based on https://github.com/celeen/gitter
The default GitHub branch name is "main".
mkdir -p $HOME/botanist/repos
# copy env file to env.local, and set GH_USER, GH_ORGS, GH_PW so you can fetch code to index
# GH_PW should be a personal access token with repo scope
# if the org you want to back up uses SSO, you also need to authorize the token to the org
# under "Configure SSO"
cp env.template env.local
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose up --build -d
docker run --env-file env.local -v $HOME/botanist/repos:/botanist/repos botanist-webapp /botanist/bin/fetch-code.sh
docker run --env-file env.local -v $HOME/botanist/repos:/botanist/repos botanist-webapp /botanist/bin/index.sh