Physician scientist based in Cambridge with deep technical expertise at the intersection of data science, clinical medicine and molecular biology. A proven innovator and founder of a spin-out company, with patents and academic publications across a range of disciplines as well as an internationally recognised leader in clinical research. Experienced researcher focused on using cutting edge computational, AI/machine learning and mathematical tools to find new therapeutic targets from large-scale health and biological data collections with a primary interest in cancer biology. Specialist physician in clinical pharmacology, including clinical trials methodology from first-in-human to post-marketing and in dermatology. Always aiming to leverage understanding of diseases to improve patient care and population health and working to understand the pathogenesis and aetiology of cancer, in particular squamous cell carcinoma in order to identify key interventional opportunities. Dermatologist and clinical pharmacologist ultimately driven by the need to translate the findings of fundamental scientific research into clinically relevant outcomes. Deep interest in improving health across the board and apply a combination of quantitative and clinical training to health economics through NICE committee membership, advancement of clinical practice through regular audit and quality improvement work and innovation through development of intellectual property arising from research outcomes. Available for consultancy via the contact details below.
Employment History
Professional Service, Leadership & Management
Awards and Grants
Presentations and Invited Talks
Teaching and Supervision
Courses and Qualifications
Email: sps41 "at"
Twitter: @stevesmithcam
Address: Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB21PQ, UK.