Subhash Public School
- North Noneya Pandey Tola
- 12h behind - https://spsn.netlify.app
- subhashpublicschoolnoneyapandeytola
- channel/UCFkYEkU5TQOa3uVifW4EDHg
- in/sps-noneya-268260288
- https://linktr.ee/spsnoneya
Create your first (very) basic ‘blockchain’. Implement a simple proof of work ( mining ) system.
In this project i have created a cryptocurrency named 'echocoin' which makes blockchain transactions possible.
Portfolio Website using React.js by echoaditya
Computer Automation using OpenCv and MediaPipe - Virtually controlling computer using hand-gestures and voice commands.
This repository contains the To-Do list created with react,js
This repository contains the source code for a comprehensive School Management Website developed using Apache as the web server and NetBeans as the integrated development environment (IDE). Technol…
This project is aimed at building a robust and modern blog platform using the popular MERN Stack – MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting start…
SUBHASH PUBLIC SCHOOL (Noneya) Official Website [1]: https://spsn.netlify.app/
This is a game in which players plays against the dealer. Each player has to beat the dealer's hand in order to win.
A project which aims to clone YouTube UI with responsiveness by using HTML & CSS.
gaurav-aditya / explore
Forked from github/exploreCommunity-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub
This repository is to allow Hactoberfest 2022 participants to make PR's. This repository aims to help beginners 🤔 with their first successful Pull Request and Open Source Contribution
This is the repository which contains code of JDK, JSP, JDBC , Servlet , Spring etc
This is the encryption-decryption-gui calculator in python which you can use for encryption and decryption. This program use one timepad algorithm.
In this repository you can get solution of POTD(Problem of the day) GFG .
This is a Simple Weather web app written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using the APIs for fetching weather and geolocation information.
From this Website you can scan any Scanner.
Tri-Merch is a modern ecommerce platform designed to provide a seamless shopping experience for our customers. Our platform offers a wide range of high-quality products from a variety of sellers an…
This is Task 1 for Web development and designing form INTERNSAVY
From this website you can generate QR-Code of any link.
This a web-based platform built with Django and React to share datasets online. It allows users to upload, search, and download datasets from a variety of domains.
iNotes is a website where you can make your own to do list.
This is a Resume Builder Website.This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
SUBHASH PUBLIC SCHOOL (Noneya) Official Website [1]: https://spsn.netlify.app/
The Tic-Tac-Toe Game is to be played between two people (in this program between HUMAN and COMPUTER)