1. Ngo Viet Tung (Email: tung.nv184326@sis.hust.edu.vn)
- Analyze and design use case and class diagram.
- Develop features: sort algorithm, statistics info, manipulate sorting process.
- Contribute to write report and slide making.
2. Nguyen Phu Truong (truong.np184319@sis.hust.edu.vn)
- Analyze and design use case and class diagram.
- Develop features: sort algorithm, manipulate sorting process.
- Contribute to write report and slide making.
3. Phan Huy Thang (Email: thang.ph184305@sis.hust.edu.vn)
- Analyze and design use case and class diagram.
- Develop features: data input, help dialogs, review PR.
- Contribute to write report and slide making.
- Project Sorting Visualizer help users to visualize process of sorting algorithm for deeply understand how sorting algorithm work step by step.
- Demo video:
- Apply OOP methods in project design and development.
- Implement fully in Java with GUI.
- Data must be stored in pure array.
- Video:
- Java documents: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/
- Java Swing:
- Tips for design UI/UX:
- Find solutions for errors, optimize some code: https://stackoverflow.com/