This is the repository for the course project of 3D Vision from group 19.
module load gcc/8.2.0
module load python_gpu/3.10.4
module load eigen/3.3.4
module load cuda
module load eth_proxy
Make sure you load the correct modules by module list
, the output should be like this.
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) StdEnv 3) openblas/0.3.15 5) nccl/2.11.4-1 7) eigen/3.3.9 9) eth_proxy
2) gcc/8.2.0 4) cudnn/ 6) python_gpu/3.10.4 8) cuda/11.8.0
Now, follow the steps in "On Desktop" part.
First install the poselib by:
git clone
cd PoseLib && cmake -S . -B _build/ -DPYTHON_PACKAGE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=_install
cmake --build _build/ --target install -j 20
cmake --build _build/ --target pip-package
cmake --build _build/ --target install-pip-package
Ensure all the dependencies are installed by:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Since this repository contains two different routes of this project, their corresponding running commands are given in their directories respectively.
Please check there!