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feat: improve support for parsing Kotlin DSL, using KotlinEditor.
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autonomousapps committed Aug 6, 2024


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1 parent d3dd6c0 commit f00ed64
Showing 23 changed files with 1,647 additions and 518 deletions.
21 changes: 17 additions & 4 deletions app/src/main/kotlin/com/squareup/sort/SortCommand.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import com.squareup.parse.BuildScriptParseException
import com.squareup.sort.Status.NOT_SORTED
import com.squareup.sort.Status.PARSE_ERROR
import com.squareup.sort.Status.SUCCESS
import com.squareup.sort.groovy.GroovySorter
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.file.FileSystem
@@ -39,7 +40,15 @@ class SortCommand(
) {

init {
context { helpFormatter = { context -> MordantHelpFormatter(context = context, showDefaultValues = true, showRequiredTag = true) } }
context {
helpFormatter = { context ->
context = context,
showDefaultValues = true,
showRequiredTag = true,

private val verbose by option("-v", "--verbose", help = "Verbose mode. All logs are printed.")
@@ -50,7 +59,11 @@ class SortCommand(
help = "Flag to control whether file tree walking looks in build and hidden directories. True by default.",
).flag("--no-skip-hidden-and-build-dirs", default = true)

val mode by option("-m", "--mode", help = "Mode: [sort, check]. Defaults to 'sort'. Check will report if a file is already sorted")
val mode by option(
help = "Mode: [sort, check]. Defaults to 'sort'. Check will report if a file is already sorted"

val paths: List<Path> by argument(help = "Path(s) to sort. Required.")
@@ -102,7 +115,7 @@ class SortCommand(
var alreadySortedCount = 0
filesToSort.parallelStream().forEach { file ->
try {
val newContent = Sorter.sorterFor(file).rewritten()
val newContent = Sorter.of(file).rewritten()
file.writeText(newContent, Charsets.UTF_8, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)
logger.trace("Successfully sorted: ${file.pathString} ")
@@ -144,7 +157,7 @@ class SortCommand(

filesToSort.parallelStream().forEach { file ->
try {
val sorter = Sorter.sorterFor(file)
val sorter = Sorter.of(file)
if (!sorter.isSorted() && !sorter.hasParseErrors()) {
logger.trace("Not ordered: ${file.pathString} ")
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions gradle/libs.versions.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ dagp = "1.30.0"
java = "11"
junit5 = "5.7.2"
kotlin = "1.9.24"
kotlinEditor = "0.3"
mavenPublish = "0.28.0"
moshi = "1.14.0"
retrofit = "2.9.0"
@@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ antlr-core = { module = "org.antlr:antlr4", version.ref = "antlr" }
antlr-runtime = { module = "org.antlr:antlr4-runtime", version.ref = "antlr" }
clikt = "com.github.ajalt.clikt:clikt:4.2.2"
grammar = "com.autonomousapps:gradle-script-grammar:0.3"
kotlinEditor-core = { module = "", version.ref = "kotlinEditor" }
kotlinEditor-grammar = { module = "", version.ref = "kotlinEditor" }
kotlin-gradle-plugin = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "kotlin"}
okhttp3 = "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.0"
moshi-core = { module = "com.squareup.moshi:moshi", version.ref = "moshi" }
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions settings.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ plugins {
id 'me.champeau.includegit' version '0.1.6'


dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ final class FunctionalSpec extends Specification {
Files.writeString(buildScript, BUILD_SCRIPT)

when: 'We sort dependencies'
build(dir, 'sortDependencies')
build(dir, 'sortDependencies', '--verbose')

then: 'Dependencies are sorted'
buildScript.text == """\
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions sort/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ kotlin {

dependencies {
api libs.grammar
api libs.kotlinEditor.core

testImplementation libs.spock
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions sort/src/main/kotlin/com/squareup/sort/Configuration.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package com.squareup.sort

internal class Configuration(
private val configuration: String,
val level: Int,
* Android support. A "variant" configuration looks like "debugApi", "releaseImplementation", etc.
* The variant will be "debug", "release", etc.
var variant: String? = null
) {

companion object {
val values = listOf(
"api" to { Configuration("api", 0) },
"implementation" to { Configuration("implementation", 1) },
"compileOnlyApi" to { Configuration("compileOnlyApi", 2) },
"compileOnly" to { Configuration("compileOnly", 3) },
"runtimeOnly" to { Configuration("runtimeOnly", 4) },
"annotationProcessor" to { Configuration("annotationProcessor", 5) },
"kapt" to { Configuration("kapt", 6) },
"testImplementation" to { Configuration("testImplementation", 7) },
"testCompileOnly" to { Configuration("testCompileOnly", 8) },
"testRuntimeOnly" to { Configuration("testRuntimeOnly", 9) },
"androidTestImplementation" to { Configuration("androidTestImplementation", 10) },

fun of(configuration: String): Configuration? {
fun findConfiguration(
predicate: (Pair<String, () -> Configuration>) -> Boolean
): Configuration? {
return values.find(predicate)?.second?.invoke()

// Try to find an exact match
var matchingConfiguration = findConfiguration { it.first == configuration }

// If that failed, look for a variant
if (matchingConfiguration == null) {
matchingConfiguration = findConfiguration { configuration.endsWith(it.first, true) }
if (matchingConfiguration != null) {
matchingConfiguration.variant = configuration.substring(
configuration.length - matchingConfiguration.configuration.length

// Look for a variant again
if (matchingConfiguration == null) {
matchingConfiguration = findConfiguration { configuration.startsWith(it.first, true) }
if (matchingConfiguration != null) {
matchingConfiguration.variant = configuration.substring(
configuration.length - matchingConfiguration.configuration.length,

return matchingConfiguration

fun stringCompare(
left: String,
right: String
): Int {
val leftC = of(left)
val rightC = of(right)

// Null means they don't map to a known configuration. So, compare by String natural order.
if (leftC == null && rightC == null) return left.compareTo(right)
// Unknown configuration is "higher than" known
if (rightC == null) return 1
if (leftC == null) return -1

val c = leftC.level.compareTo(rightC.level)

// If each maps to a known configuration, and they're different, we can return that value
if (c != 0) return c
// If each maps to the same configuration, we now differentiate based on whether variants are
// involved. Non-variants are "higher than" variants.
if (leftC.variant != null && rightC.variant != null) {
return rightC.variant!!.compareTo(leftC.variant!!)
return if (rightC.variant != null) return -1 else 1
99 changes: 0 additions & 99 deletions sort/src/main/kotlin/com/squareup/sort/ConfigurationComparator.kt

This file was deleted.

65 changes: 15 additions & 50 deletions sort/src/main/kotlin/com/squareup/sort/DependencyComparator.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
package com.squareup.sort

import com.autonomousapps.grammar.gradle.GradleScript.QuoteContext

internal class DependencyComparator : Comparator<DependencyDeclaration> {

override fun compare(
left: DependencyDeclaration,
right: DependencyDeclaration
right: DependencyDeclaration,
): Int {
if (left.isPlatformDeclaration() && right.isPlatformDeclaration()) return compareDeclaration(left, right)
if (left.isPlatformDeclaration() && right.isPlatformDeclaration()) return compareDeclaration(
if (left.isPlatformDeclaration()) return -1
if (right.isPlatformDeclaration()) return 1

if (left.isTestFixturesDeclaration() && right.isTestFixturesDeclaration()) return compareDeclaration(left, right)
if (left.isTestFixturesDeclaration() && right.isTestFixturesDeclaration()) return compareDeclaration(
if (left.isTestFixturesDeclaration()) return -1
if (right.isTestFixturesDeclaration()) return 1

@@ -21,9 +25,12 @@ internal class DependencyComparator : Comparator<DependencyDeclaration> {

private fun compareDeclaration(
left: DependencyDeclaration,
right: DependencyDeclaration
right: DependencyDeclaration,
): Int {
if (left.isProjectDependency() && right.isProjectDependency()) return compareDependencies(left, right)
if (left.isProjectDependency() && right.isProjectDependency()) return compareDependencies(
if (left.isProjectDependency()) return -1
if (right.isProjectDependency()) return 1

@@ -36,7 +43,7 @@ internal class DependencyComparator : Comparator<DependencyDeclaration> {

private fun compareDependencies(
left: DependencyDeclaration,
right: DependencyDeclaration
right: DependencyDeclaration,
): Int {
val leftText = left.comparisonText()
val rightText = right.comparisonText()
@@ -54,46 +61,4 @@ internal class DependencyComparator : Comparator<DependencyDeclaration> {
// No quotes on either -> return natural sort order
return c

* Returns `true` if the dependency component is surrounded by quotation marks. Consider:
* 1. implementation // no quotes
* 2. implementation '' // quotes
* We want 2 to be sorted above 1. This is arbitrary.
private fun DependencyDeclaration.hasQuotes(): Boolean {
val i = declaration.children.indexOf(dependency)
return declaration.getChild(i - 1) is QuoteContext && declaration.getChild(i + 1) is QuoteContext

private fun DependencyDeclaration.comparisonText(): String {
val text = when {
isProjectDependency() -> with(dependency.projectDependency()) {
// If project(path: 'foo') syntax is used, take the path value.
// Else, if project('foo') syntax is used, take the ID.
projectMapEntry().firstOrNull { it.key.text == "path:" }?.value?.text
?: ID().text

isFileDependency() -> dependency.fileDependency().ID().text
else -> dependency.externalDependency().ID().text

* Colons should sort "higher" than hyphens. The comma's ASCII value
* is 44, the hyphen's is 45, and the colon's is 58. We replace
* colons with commas and then rely on natural sort order from
* there.
* For example, consider ':foo-bar' vs. ':foo:bar'. Before this
* transformation, ':foo-bar' will appear before ':foo:bar'. But
* after it, we compare ',foo,bar' to ',foo-bar', which gives the
* desired sort ordering.
* Similarly, single and double quotes have different ASCII values,
* but we don't care about that for our purposes.
return text.replace(':', ',').replace("'", "\"")

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