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$customersApi = $client->getCustomersApi();

Class Name



List Customers

Lists customer profiles associated with a Square account.

Under normal operating conditions, newly created or updated customer profiles become available for the listing operation in well under 30 seconds. Occasionally, propagation of the new or updated profiles can take closer to one minute or longer, especially during network incidents and outages.

function listCustomers(
    ?string $cursor = null,
    ?int $limit = null,
    ?string $sortField = null,
    ?string $sortOrder = null
): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
cursor ?string Query, Optional A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.

For more information, see Pagination.
limit ?int Query, Optional The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the specified limit is less than 1 or greater than 100, Square returns a 400 VALUE_TOO_LOW or 400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH error. The default value is 100.

For more information, see Pagination.
sortField ?string (CustomerSortField) Query, Optional Indicates how customers should be sorted.

The default value is DEFAULT.
sortOrder ?string (SortOrder) Query, Optional Indicates whether customers should be sorted in ascending (ASC) or
descending (DESC) order.

The default value is ASC.

Response Type


Example Usage

$apiResponse = $customersApi->listCustomers();

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $listCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Create Customer

Creates a new customer for a business.

You must provide at least one of the following values in your request to this endpoint:

  • given_name
  • family_name
  • company_name
  • email_address
  • phone_number
function createCustomer(CreateCustomerRequest $body): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
body CreateCustomerRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

$body = new Models\CreateCustomerRequest;
$body->setAddress(new Models\Address);
$body->getAddress()->setAddressLine1('500 Electric Ave');
$body->getAddress()->setAddressLine2('Suite 600');
$body->getAddress()->setLocality('New York');
$body->setNote('a customer');

$apiResponse = $customersApi->createCustomer($body);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $createCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Search Customers

Searches the customer profiles associated with a Square account using a supported query filter.

Calling SearchCustomers without any explicit query filter returns all customer profiles ordered alphabetically based on given_name and family_name.

Under normal operating conditions, newly created or updated customer profiles become available for the search operation in well under 30 seconds. Occasionally, propagation of the new or updated profiles can take closer to one minute or longer, especially during network incidents and outages.

function searchCustomers(SearchCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
body SearchCustomersRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

$body = new Models\SearchCustomersRequest;
$body->setQuery(new Models\CustomerQuery);
$body->getQuery()->setFilter(new Models\CustomerFilter);
$body->getQuery()->getFilter()->setCreationSource(new Models\CustomerCreationSourceFilter);
$body->getQuery()->getFilter()->setCreatedAt(new Models\TimeRange);
$body->getQuery()->getFilter()->setEmailAddress(new Models\CustomerTextFilter);
$body->getQuery()->getFilter()->setGroupIds(new Models\FilterValue);
$body->getQuery()->setSort(new Models\CustomerSort);

$apiResponse = $customersApi->searchCustomers($body);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $searchCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Delete Customer

Deletes a customer profile from a business. This operation also unlinks any associated cards on file.

As a best practice, you should include the version field in the request to enable optimistic concurrency control. The value must be set to the current version of the customer profile.

To delete a customer profile that was created by merging existing profiles, you must use the ID of the newly created profile.

function deleteCustomer(string $customerId, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
customerId string Template, Required The ID of the customer to delete.
version ?int Query, Optional The current version of the customer profile.

As a best practice, you should include this parameter to enable optimistic concurrency control. For more information, see Delete a customer profile.

Response Type


Example Usage

$customerId = 'customer_id8';

$apiResponse = $customersApi->deleteCustomer($customerId);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $deleteCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Retrieve Customer

Returns details for a single customer.

function retrieveCustomer(string $customerId): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
customerId string Template, Required The ID of the customer to retrieve.

Response Type


Example Usage

$customerId = 'customer_id8';

$apiResponse = $customersApi->retrieveCustomer($customerId);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $retrieveCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Update Customer

Updates a customer profile. To change an attribute, specify the new value. To remove an attribute, specify the value as an empty string or empty object.

As a best practice, you should include the version field in the request to enable optimistic concurrency control. The value must be set to the current version of the customer profile.

To update a customer profile that was created by merging existing profiles, you must use the ID of the newly created profile.

You cannot use this endpoint to change cards on file. To make changes, use the Cards API or Gift Cards API.

function updateCustomer(string $customerId, UpdateCustomerRequest $body): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
customerId string Template, Required The ID of the customer to update.
body UpdateCustomerRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

$customerId = 'customer_id8';
$body = new Models\UpdateCustomerRequest;
$body->setNote('updated customer note');

$apiResponse = $customersApi->updateCustomer($customerId, $body);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $updateCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Create Customer Card

This endpoint is deprecated.

Adds a card on file to an existing customer.

As with charges, calls to CreateCustomerCard are idempotent. Multiple calls with the same card nonce return the same card record that was created with the provided nonce during the first call.

function createCustomerCard(string $customerId, CreateCustomerCardRequest $body): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
customerId string Template, Required The Square ID of the customer profile the card is linked to.
body CreateCustomerCardRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

$customerId = 'customer_id8';
$body_cardNonce = 'YOUR_CARD_NONCE';
$body = new Models\CreateCustomerCardRequest(
$body->setBillingAddress(new Models\Address);
$body->getBillingAddress()->setAddressLine1('500 Electric Ave');
$body->getBillingAddress()->setAddressLine2('Suite 600');
$body->getBillingAddress()->setLocality('New York');
$body->setCardholderName('Amelia Earhart');

$apiResponse = $customersApi->createCustomerCard($customerId, $body);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $createCustomerCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Delete Customer Card

This endpoint is deprecated.

Removes a card on file from a customer.

function deleteCustomerCard(string $customerId, string $cardId): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
customerId string Template, Required The ID of the customer that the card on file belongs to.
cardId string Template, Required The ID of the card on file to delete.

Response Type


Example Usage

$customerId = 'customer_id8';
$cardId = 'card_id4';

$apiResponse = $customersApi->deleteCustomerCard($customerId, $cardId);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $deleteCustomerCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Remove Group From Customer

Removes a group membership from a customer.

The customer is identified by the customer_id value and the customer group is identified by the group_id value.

function removeGroupFromCustomer(string $customerId, string $groupId): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
customerId string Template, Required The ID of the customer to remove from the group.
groupId string Template, Required The ID of the customer group to remove the customer from.

Response Type


Example Usage

$customerId = 'customer_id8';
$groupId = 'group_id0';

$apiResponse = $customersApi->removeGroupFromCustomer($customerId, $groupId);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $removeGroupFromCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();

Add Group to Customer

Adds a group membership to a customer.

The customer is identified by the customer_id value and the customer group is identified by the group_id value.

function addGroupToCustomer(string $customerId, string $groupId): ApiResponse


Parameter Type Tags Description
customerId string Template, Required The ID of the customer to add to a group.
groupId string Template, Required The ID of the customer group to add the customer to.

Response Type


Example Usage

$customerId = 'customer_id8';
$groupId = 'group_id0';

$apiResponse = $customersApi->addGroupToCustomer($customerId, $groupId);

if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $addGroupToCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
} else {
    $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();

// Get more response info...
// $statusCode = $apiResponse->getStatusCode();
// $headers = $apiResponse->getHeaders();