- Clone this repo and change below parameters or keep default. Note: Change these parameters described in later steps: vpngw_bgp_peering_address and vpngw2_bgp_peering_address
variable "resource_group_location" {
default = "northeurope"
description = "Location of the resource group."
# --- VPNGW1 ----
variable "vnet1_cidr" {
default = [""]
description = "azure vnet cidr"
variable "vnet1_subnet_address" {
default = [""]
variable "vnet1_gateway_subnet_address" {
default = [""]
variable "vnet1_bastion_subnet_address" {
default = [""]
variable "vpngw_bgp_peering_address" {
default = ""
description = "Enter this value after creating vpn gateway, as of now keep default"
# --- VPNGW2 ----
variable "vnet2_cidr" {
default = [""]
description = "azure vnet cidr"
variable "vnet2_subnet_address" {
default = [""]
variable "vnet2_gateway_subnet_address" {
default = [""]
variable "vnet2_bastion_subnet_address" {
default = [""]
variable "vpngw2_bgp_peering_address" {
default = ""
description = "Enter this value after creating vpn gateway, as of now keep default"
- execute below cmds:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
Note: If fails, try to execute: terraform init -upgrade on terminal and execute cmd: terraform apply.
- This is a tricky part somehow terrafrom doesn't allow to import the vpn gateway private ip.
Copy both the Virtual Network Gateway BGP peer IP address shown in below pic:
Paste the bgp peer ip in above variables.tf file for parameters:
- vpngw_bgp_peering_address
- vpngw2_bgp_peering_address
Execute the command in terminal: terraform apply
Connect the VM's using bastion host:
Open browser enter destination VM private ip.