Implement mulit-site S2S vpn.
This repo contains two spoke Vnets (simulated on-prem network) in On-prem folder.
- spoke1 (spoke1-Vnet.azcli)
- spoke2 (spoke1-Vnet.azcli)
Create two spoke Vnets. execute below commands in terminal on the file path. Login to your Azure portal using azure cli.
- ./spoke1-Vnet.azcli
- ./spoke2-Vnet.azcli
Navigate to your Virtual Machines for public ip's.
Copy VM's (acts as network virtual appliance) public ip, required for VPN setup in later section.
- Clone this repo and change below parameters.
Note: Change the spoke1_Vm_pip and spoke2_Vm_pip (use vm ips copied from above steps)
## cloud
resource_group_location = "northeurope"
vnet_cidr = ""
public_subnet_address = ""
private_subnet_address = ""
gateway_subnet_address = ""
## Simulated on-prem details
spoke1cidr = ""
spoke2cidr = ""
spoke1_Vm_pip = ""
spoke2_Vm_pip = "87.49.45.xx"
- execute below cmds: (Goto dir: /site-to-site-terrafrom)
terraform init
terraform apply
Note: If fails, try to execute: terraform init -upgrade on terminal and execute cmd: terraform apply
Goto (login) on-prem VM (local Server i,e windows server).
- username:
- password:
- username:
In VM → Goto Server Manager Dashboard. → On top right corner drop down Manage. click: Add roles → Installation Type: Role - based or feature - based installation → click: Next → Remote Access → click: next → next → tick: DirectAccess and VPN (RAS), Routing → Install.
After installating the Roles → click on Flag (On top right corner) → Open the Getting Started Wizard → Choose: Deploy VPN only.
→ Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access
→ next → Choose: Custom configuration → select: Demand-dial connections (used for branch office routing), LAN routing, VPN access.
Finish → start service.
→ click: computerName as shown in below pic.
→ add: New Demand-dial interface → Interface name: Azure → connection Type: Connect using virtual private networking (VPN) → VPN Type: IKEv2 → Destination Address: public ip (Virtual Network Gateway Public IP address) shown in below pic.
→ In Protocols and Security: Route IP packets on this interface → Next → Static Routes for Remote Networks → click: add → Destination: (i,e cloud Vnet cidr), Network Mask: → Metric: 16.
→Dail-Out Credentials (Optional) → Finish → Select: Azure Network Interface → Go to properties → click security → choose: Use preshared key for authentication → type: keyname (e.g: abc@143 (this key is from connections in Virtual Network Gateway))
Note: In this terraform code Preshared Key is: abc@143
→ Check the status in Azure: Connections under Virtual Network Gateway Goto → Virtuanl Network Gateway (VPN Gateway) → On left side click: connections.
The update will take sometime.
- Connect VM, open browser enter destination VM private ip in url to see Microsoft default page over S2S.