Welcome to the Unit Converter repository! This simple C program allows users to convert values between different units in categories such as temperature, currency, mass, length, and speed.
- Temperature conversion (Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa)
- Currency conversion (USD to Euro, JPY, and NRP)
- Mass conversion (Ounces to Pounds and Grams to Pounds)
- Length conversion (Inches to Feet)
- Speed conversion (Miles per hour to Kilometers per hour)
- Ensure you have a C compiler installed on your system (e.g., GCC).
Clone the repository to your local machine:
bash git clone https://github.com/srijankarki07/Basic-Unit-Converter.git
Navigate to the project directory:
bash cd unit-converter
Compile the C program:
bash gcc unit_converter.c -o unit_converter
Run the compiled program:
bash ./unit_converter
Follow the on-screen prompts to choose a category and perform conversions.
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, bug fixes, or new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.