The dataset used for modelling our prediction model can be found here
Applying Data Preprocessing: Data Transformation, Data Normalization and Splitting into Train and Test Set
Artificial Neural Network Modelling, Selecting the model parameters
Using the ANN model to Predict
Evaluating using Accuracy score and Confusion Matrix
- First we transform the gender variable to binary. (Female = 0, Male = 1).
- We then use OneShotEncoder to transform the Geography variable tp a categorical variable.
We feature scale the independent variables using Scikit learn: StandardScale.
We split the original data into 70% train set and 30% test set
Observation from Correlation:
- Tenure and NumOfProduct variables are the least correlated to the exited variable
- Age and Balance variables have the highest complementary correlation with our target(exited) variable
- IsActiveMember and Gender variables have the highest supplementary correlation with the target variable
- Based on Geography: Resident from Germany is more likely to exit than a resident from France or Spain
Confusion Matrix: [[1518 77] [192 33]]
Accuracy Score: 86.5 %