Dockerfile for sbt (Scala build tool)
This is built on top of the openjdk image and takes inspiration from hseeberger/scala-sbt.
Install Docker and pull the image (mozilla/sbt on DockerHub):
docker pull mozilla/sbt
You can then run sbt
inside docker to compile code like:
docker run -it --rm mozilla/sbt sbt shell
If you want to execute sbt commands on a project on your local filesystem, you may want to mount the current directory and various local caches as volumes and set the working directory as well:
docker run -it --rm -v ~/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 -v ~/.sbt:/root/.sbt -v $PWD:/app -w /app mozilla/sbt sbt shell
To build, you need to specify the desired openjdk and sbt versions via
docker build --build-arg OPENJDK_TAG=8u232 --build-arg SBT_VERSION=1.4.1 .
To push and tag a new image with updated versions of openjdk and sbt, you'll need to have a DockerHub account that's a member of the appropriate Mozilla organization and be logged in to DockerHub:
docker login --username=mydockerhubusername
Then use the following recipe to build and push:
docker build \
--tag mozilla/sbt:${OPENJDK_TAG}_${SBT_VERSION} \
--tag mozilla/sbt:latest \
docker push mozilla/sbt:${OPENJDK_TAG}_${SBT_VERSION}
docker push mozilla/sbt:latest