AWESAM - Adaptive-Window Volcanic Event Selection Analysis Module
Module for creating seismo-volcanic event catalogs from seismic data for volcanoes with frequent activity.
See for a detailed description. The process consists of three steps:
- EventDetection: Identification of potential volcanic events based on squared ground-velocity amplitudes, an adaptive MaxFilter, and a prominence threshold.
- CatalogConsolidation: By comparing and verifying the initial detections based on recordings from two different seismic stations.
- EarthquakeClassification: Identification of signals from regional tectonic earthquakes (based on an earthquake catalog)
- Tutorial Notebook AwesamTutorial.ipynb
- Tutorial Video AWESAM Tutorial (Youtube)
When using awesamlib (after compilation with e.g. gcc): numpy 1.21.5
, obspy 1.3.0
, scipy 1.8.0
, pandas 1.4.1
, torch 1.11.0
. When using the python-backend, additionally numba 0.55.1
is needed. Developed with python 3.8.10