Port of force fields useful for RNA or RNA/protein complexes.
Presently implements:
- AMBER99SB-ildn-star (ff99sb-star-ildn.tgz from gromacs force-field repository).
- Parmbsc0 corrections for DNA and RNA (Perez et al, 2007), merged from amber99sb_parmbsc0.ff.tgz taken from gromacs force-field repository. Gromacs port by Guy et al (2012).
- Chi-OL3 corrections for RNA (Zgarbova et al, 2011), implemented and validated locally against leaprc.ff14SB from amber14.
- Ions from Joung and Cheatam (2008), implemented and validated locally against frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p from amber14.
- Mg ions from Allner et al (2012), implemented and tested locally.
Local ports and validations by Sandro Bottaro and Giovanni Bussi, with the help of Maria Darvas and Giovanni Pinamonti.