Create Gifs in JavaScript from image paths or canvas or img elements. This library uses only vanilla Javascript.
const gif = new MiniGif(options); // create an instance of MiniGif
gif.addFrame(canvas or img element); // add frames from canvas or img elements
await gif.addFrameFromPath('./kibo.jpg'); // or add frames from paths (returns promise)
const buffer = gif.makeGif();; // downloads from browser
This are all the available options (they are all optional, default are shown):
const options = {
colorResolution: 7, // (1-7)
// how many colors will the palette use?: 2^(colorResolution + 1)
transparent: false, // set transparent flag
transparentIndex: 0, // set transparent color index in palette
dither: false, // use error difussion dither
delay: 50, // animation frame delay (in 1/100 of a second)
customPalette: undefined, // a 2d RGB array,
filename: 'minigif'
To take into account:
- The first frame added defines the width and height of the gif file
- Depending on image dimensions and color palette, it can take some seconds to finish processing
- If you include a custom color palette, it must have 2^(colorResolution + 1) colors, especified in an array with arrays of RGBA values, see table below.
- Otherwise it uses Median Cut Algorithm to define the color Palette and Floyd-Steinberg Algorithm for dithering (optional)
color resolution | colors in palette |
1 | 4 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 16 |
4 | 32 |
5 | 64 |
6 | 128 |
7 | 256 |