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A simple companion tool for i3 that adds a few useful functions:

Command line options:

Flag Args Description
-h/--help N/A Show usage.
-c/--config Config file Use the specified config file. Defaults to $XDG_CONFIG/i3-companion/config.toml or $HOME/.config/i3-companion/config.toml if not specified.

All other configuration is through the config.toml file. See example_config.toml for an example.

Connection to the i3 IPC is automatically retried intermittently if lost, so history persists even if i3 restarts. The timeout for connecting is set with the connection_timeout key (default 3s), after which i3 companion will close. The interval between retry attempts is set with reconnect_interval (default 3ms). These options should be specified as a time string; a (possibly non-integer) number followed by the time units (ns/us/ms/s/m/h).

Functionality can be enabled by defining the relevant module as a block in the config.toml file. Available modules are listed below.

Install with

cargo install --git

set up required modules in ~/.config/i3-companion/config.toml, and set to start automatically with i3 by adding:

exec --no-startup-id i3-companion

to .i3/config.

Workspace History

Workspace history is kept as a stack that can be traversed and manipulated. If the same two workspaces are swapped between multiple times in a row, the stack will attempt to prevent them repeating. Configure within the [ws_history] block.

Available configuration options are:

Key Type Default Description
hist_sz usize 20 Max. number of workspaces to store in the stack.
skip_visible bool true Whether to skip over visible workspaces when traversing the history.
hist_type "Single" or "PerOutput" "PerOutput" Whether to use a single stack, or a stack per output. Per output history will skip over workspaces that have moved to a different output.
activity_timeout Time string None Time between workspace changes to wait before resetting the stack (see below for what a stack reset looks like). Leave unset to disable this behaviour.

Stack traversal and manipulation operations are listed below, and are enabled by setting the relevant binding.

Operation Config Key Description
Previous WS binding_prev Go to previous workspace in the stack (traverse down).
Next WS binding_next Go to next workspace in the stack (traverse back up).
Move to prev. WS binding_move_prev Move container to previous workspace and focus it.
Move to next WS binding_move_next Move container to next workspace and focus it.
Swap previous binding_swap_prev Swap the previous two workspaces in place on the stack. Eg. 1, 2*, 3, 4 becomes 1, 2*, 4, 3, where * marks the focused workspace.
Swap next binding_swap_next Swap the next two workspaces in place on the stack. Eg. 1, 2, 3*, 4 becomes 2, 1, 3*, 4, where * marks the focused workspace.
Jump to head binding_to_head Jump focus back to the head of the stack. Eg. 1, 2, 3*, 4 becomes 1*, 2, 3, 4, where * marks the focused workspace.
Move to head binding_move_to_head Move container to the workspace at the head of the stack and focus it.
Reset stack binding_reset Reset the stack so that the focused workspace is on top. Workspaces that were above it are reversed in order. Eg. 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5, 6 becomes 4*, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, where * marks the focused workspace.
Remove WS and go to prev. binding_rem_and_prev Remove the current workspace from the stack and go to the previous one. Eg. 1, 2*, 3, 4, 2 becomes 1, 3*, 4, 2, where * marks the focused workspace.
Remove WS and go to next binding_rem_and_next Remove the current workspace from the stack and go to the next one. Eg. 1, 2*, 3, 4, 2 becomes 1*, 3, 4, 2, where * marks the focused workspace.
Show current stack binding_show_stack Send the current status of the stack as a notification. If using hist_type="PerOutput", only the stack of the current output is shown.

NOTE: Key presses are registered via the i3 IPC, so you will also need to set the binding in your i3 config. For example:

# .i3/config

# ...
bindsym Mod4+o nop
bindsym Mod4+i nop
# ...
# .config/i3-companion/config.toml
# ...
binding_prev = "Mod4+o"
binding_next = "Mod4+i"
# ...

Layout Tracker

Pipes the current i3 layout to the status bar whenever it changes. The displayed layout should be the one that new windows will be opened into. Configure within the [output_tracker] block.

As some i3 events that change the layout don't send an IPC trigger, the following i3 commands should be followed by ; exec --no-startup-id i3-msg -t send_tick in .i3/config:

  • split <arg>
  • layout <arg>
  • focus <arg>

Configuration options:

Key Type Description
pipe_name String Name of the pipe to send the current layout to (as defined in the [pipes] block - see below).
pipe_echo_fmt Format string String to format the layout number with before sending. Use {} where the layout number should be inserted, or {0} if it should be inserted in multiple places.


# .config/i3-companion/config.toml
pipe_name = "polybar"
pipe_echo_fmt = "action '#i3_layout.hook.{}'"

polybar = ["SHELL", "polybar-msg"]
; .config/polybar/config


type = custom/ipc
; split horizontal
hook-0 = echo 󰧁
; split vertical
hook-1 = echo 󰧈
; stacked
hook-2 = echo 󰉕 
; tabbed
hook-3 = echo 󰉖 
; dock
hook-4 = echo ⚓
; fullscreen
hook-5 = echo 󰍹 
; floating
hook-6 = echo 󰞷
initial = 1

NOTE: This module was designed to work with polybar, but should also be compatible with some other bars. Layout numbers output by the [layout_tracker] module start from 0. If necessary, a SHELL type pipe can be specified that calls an intermediate processing script for switching to 1-based indexing or reading the index and converting it into the desired symbol directly.

Output Tracker

Pipes a pre-defined message to the status bar whenever the output changes. The message can also optionally be sent periodically. Configure within the [output_tracker] block.

Configuration options:

Key Type Description
pipe_name String Name of the pipe to send ipc_str to (as defined in the [pipes] block - see below).
ipc_str String String to be sent to the specified pipe.
update_interval Time string Interval at which to ipc_str (in addition to on output changes). Leave unset to disable periodic sending.

Example: A polybar date module that changes colour depending on whether its bar is on the focused output, and is updated every 5s to keep the time correct (polybar IPC modules don't currently seem to support interval-based updates):

; .config/polybar/config


type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = $HOME/.config/polybar/
initial = 1
# $HOME/.config/polybar/

output=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | \
       grep -Po '.*(},|\[)\K{.*?focused":true.*?}(?=(,{|\]))' | \
       grep -Po '"output":"\K[A-z0-9\-]+')

# $MONITOR set as env variable by polybar
if [[ "${output}" != "$MONITOR" ]]; then
  color='#556064' # unfocused BG colour
  color='#077862' # focused BG colour
echo "%{B${color}}$(date '+%a %d %b %_I:%M %p')%{B-}"
# .config/i3-companion/config.toml
ipc_str = "action '#date.hook.0'"
pipe_name = "polybar"
update_interval = "5s"

polybar = ["SHELL", "polybar-msg"]

NOTE: This module was designed to work with polybar, but should also be compatible with some other bars.


Named glob patterns that match the named pipe(s) of the status bar(s), or shell commands for message passing (eg. polybar-msg). If multiple modules use the same bar, only a single entry should be used for best results.

NOTE: If the pipe is of type SHELL, then any message passed to it will first be split into arguments following the UNIX shell rules. Be sure to include any quotes and/or escape characters as needed.


# .config/i3-companion/config.toml

# ...

bar_1_name = ["PIPE", "/glob/pattern/*"]
bar_2_name = ["PIPE", "/different/glob/pattern/*"]
bar_3_name = ["SHELL", "my-bar-msg"]


A simple companion tool for the i3 window manager







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