This repository contains processed measurement data, pictures, and videos from the slot fishway experiments between April 2022 and July 2024. Pictures and videos were taken by Federica Scolari and Sebastian Schwindt. The measurements were taken by Gerhard Schmid. Postprocessing was done by Sebastian Schwindt.
recordings of the water depth measured in the physical lab flume.physical-lab-velocities.xlsx
post-processed velocity measurements for Q30, MQ, and HQ100, including ADV (maxima) and XS-averages (back-calculated from water depth).
Pictures taken during the experiments. Note that no pictures were taken during an MQ experiment (videos only) in July 2024. The pictures are mostly aimed at visually describing the experimental setup and measurement equipment.
Videos shot during the experiments, including slow-motion videos from the slots.
The experiments were conducted at the Hydraulic Laboratory of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. The staff and then-head of the laboratory, Stefan Haun, and the head of the department, Silke Wieprecht, are thanked for making the experiments possible.