A simple SQL backend to store items in a SQL database using C# and .NET Framework 4.6.1
This WebAPI backend can be used with a simple website like SimpleFrontEnd
To use, change the setting for DbConnectionString in Web.config to match your local or remote DB connection string. In Azure App Service, you can also create an application setting called DbConnectionString to override the value in Web.config so you do not have to store the connection string in a config file.
To use in Azure, create an App Service and SQL DB. Then create the user and table in the DB using the schema.sql file. Finally use the connection string for the DB in Web.config or the application settings.
To use Managed Service Identity, enable it in the Web App, then add the database connection string as a secret in a new or existing KeyVault. Set an access policy to enable GET access to secrets for your web app's identity (usually given the name of the web app), and add the URI to the secret to the Web.config or an application setting called DbConnStrKeyVaultSecretUri.