A simple command line utility that takes an iCal file and lets you extract certain events which match criteria to a TSV file.
Maven 3
mvn install
Grab the .jar file that you've built.
java -jar icalextractor-1.0.0.jar inputfile outputfile [options]
-period from to Filters output for entries within the stated two ISO dates.
-title word Filters output for entries with the title word.
See the 'Exporting content from all calendars...' section here - http://support.google.com/calendar/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=37111
To extract all events with a tag '[film]' in their titles.
java -jar icalextractor-1.0.0.jar calendar.ics films.tsv -title [film]
To extract all events with a tag '[meal]' in their titles in 2012
java -jar icalextractor-1.0.0.jar calendar.ics meals.tsv -title [meal] -period 2012-01-01 2012-12-31