Ported from github "CalinRadoni/ESP32Timers" and "CalinRadoni/ESP32HAL" example
Original source: https://github.com/CalinRadoni/ESP32Timers https://github.com/CalinRadoni/ESP32HAL
But build failed at my ESP-IDF setup. So copy .cpp/.h files to ESP-IDF project template and works well.
Setup ESP-IDF - following tutorial:
Install Prerequisites: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/get-started/linux-setup.html
sudo apt-get install git wget flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools cmake ninja-build ccache libffi-dev libssl-dev dfu-util
Get ESP-IDF https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/get-started/index.html#get-started-get-esp-idf
cd ~/esp *git clone -b v4.2 --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git
cd ~/esp/esp-idf
- . $HOME/esp/esp-idf/export.sh
- alias get_idf='. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/export.sh' (add to .bashrc)
- get_idf
- idf.py create-project --path my_projects my_new_project
- idf.py set-target esp32
- idf.py menuconfig
- idf.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 flash monitor 2>&1 | tee log1.txt