20CYS383 - Java Programming Lab - 4th Sem - B.E. CSE (CYS) - ASE, CBE
CO# | CO Description |
CO1 | Execute Java programs using object-oriented class structures with parameters, constructors, and utility and calculations methods, including inheritance, test classes and exception handling. |
CO2 | Execute Java programs manipulating Strings and text documents. |
CO3 | Execute Java programs that include GUIs and event driven programming. |
Components | Marks |
[Internal] Assignment - 1 | 5 |
[Internal] Practice Exercises | 10 |
[Internal] Java Package (Solved & Practice Exercises) | 10 |
[Internal] GitHub/Record Maintenance | 10 |
[Internal] Mini-Project (Idea Document + Implementation + Report) | 15 |
[Internal] Periodical I | 15 |
[Internal] Periodical II | 15 |
[External] End-Semester Exam | 20 |
Deadline for | Dates |
Intimation - Pair Programmer | 10 - Feb - 2023 |
Pair Programmer Selection | 11 - Feb - 2023 to 13 - Feb - 2023 |
Pair Programmer Finalization | 18 - Feb - 2023 |
Project Topic Finalization | 25 - Feb - 2023 |
Periodicals I | 24 - Apr - 2023 |
Missed Periodicals I | 02 - May - 2023 |
Periodicals II | 13 - Jun - 2023 |
End Semester | 19 - Jun - 2023 |
Mini-Project and Record Submission | 20 - Jun - 2023 |
Mini-Project Review 2 | 13 - July - 2023 |
End Semester Viva | 15 - July - 2023 |
Click Record to view Records Submitted.
- Abstract Method and Class
- Java Inheritance - 1
- Java Inheritance - 2
- Java Inheritance - 3
- Java Interfaces
- Simple Calculator using Interface
- Text: Deitel PJ. Java how to program. Eleventh Edition, Pearson; 2018.
- Text: Naughton P. and Schildt H. Java 2: The complete reference. Eighth Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill; 2011.
- Reference : Campione and Walrath, The Java Tutorial, Addison Wesely; 1996.
- Reference : Barry Burd, Beginning Programming with Java for Dummies, 5th Edition; 2017