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What is this?

  • Bazel's jacocorunner source code, copied here so we can more easily build it outside of bazel itself using different jacoco jar dependencies. (see //java/com/google/testing/coverage).
  • A custom http_archive rule that downloads @gergelyfabian's scala-improved fork of jacoco, builds it with mvn, and exposes the maven artifacts as deps (jacoco_http_archive).
  • A set of scala+java examples, shamelessly copied from, which serves as a test-base so we can check that things are working.
  • A script that runs bazel coverage and then performs lcov/genhtml post-processing on the combined _coverage_report.dat.
  • A github workflow ci.yaml that runs the tests on new PRs and the master branch.
  • A github workflow release.yaml that publishes jacocorunner-{VERSION}.jar as a release asset.
  • A set of java_toolchain and toolchain<@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_type> in //tools/jdk (using the same naming patterns in @bazel_tools//tools/jdk) that consume the release asset jar in the java_toolchain.jacocorunner attribute.


To use one of the custom java toolchains, you could do something like the following:


load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# --------------------------------------------------------
# provides @build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner//tools/jdk:*
# --------------------------------------------------------

# Branch: master
# Commit: 6b66562185f2700dcdb33c7a5382bde0c7f7d15f
# Date: 2022-12-20 22:51:53 +0000 UTC
# URL:
# expand toolchain completely
# Size: 443788 (444 kB)
    name = "build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner",
    sha256 = "8c940052ae59e2bf0d15d36e704222f3a9201cc6599b16e4cac2467c66083378",
    strip_prefix = "bazel-jacocorunner-6b66562185f2700dcdb33c7a5382bde0c7f7d15f",
    urls = [""],

# --------------------------------------------------------
# provides @bazel_jacocorunner//:jar, needed by 
# toolchains in @build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner//tools/jdk
# --------------------------------------------------------

load("@build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner//:repositories.bzl", "bazel_jacocorunner")


# --------------------------------------------------------
# register a toolchain
# --------------------------------------------------------



build:java11 --java_language_version=11
build:java11 --tool_java_language_version=11
build:java11 --java_runtime_version=remotejdk_11
build:java11 --tool_java_runtime_version=remotejdk_11
build:java11 --java_toolchain=@build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner//tools/jdk:toolchain_java11_definition
build:java11 --host_java_toolchain=@build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner//tools/jdk:toolchain_java11_definition

coverage:combined --combined_report=lcov
coverage:combined --coverage_report_generator="@bazel_tools//tools/test/CoverageOutputGenerator/java/com/google/devtools/coverageoutputgenerator:Main"
coverage:combined --experimental_fetch_all_coverage_outputs
coverage:combined --test_env=VERBOSE_COVERAGE=1

build --config=java11
coverage --config=combined

If you want to use lcov/genhtml without having to install them on the host, add the following to your WORKSPACE:

load("@build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner//:repositories.bzl", "lcov_repositories")


This could be used something like the following in a shell script:

# prebuild some tools so they are in bazel-bin...
bazel build @linux_test_project_lcov//:genhtml_bin @build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner//tools/covbean

# run your coverage targets and generate the bazel-out/_coverage/_coverage_report.dat file...
bazel coverage //...

# make a temp directory for the report files
reportdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/bazelcov.XXXXXX)

# run genhtml on the output
bazel-bin/external/linux_test_project_lcov/genhtml_bin \
  -branch-coverage \
  -o $reportdir \

# optionally, pack the report into an executable zip with an embedded webserver
local covbean_zip="$PWD/"
cp bazel-bin/external/build_stack_bazel_jacocorunner/tools/covbean/ $covbean_zip
chmod +wx $covbean_zip
(cd $reportdir && zip $covbean_zip .)

# clean up
rm -rf $reportdir

Then you can view your report as follows:

sh ./ &
open http://localhost:8080


How do I know which java_toolchain is being used?

Try building a java target with --toolchain_resolution_debug='@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:runtime_toolchain_type'.

INFO: ToolchainResolution: Target platform @rules_nixpkgs_core//platforms:host: Selected execution platform @rules_nixpkgs_core//platforms:host, type @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:runtime_toolchain_type -> toolchain @remotejdk11_macos_aarch64//:jdk

bazel query @remotejdk11_macos_aarch64//:jdk --output build resolves to:

    name = "jdk",
    srcs = [

We can also see this in aquery --output text, which prints out the raw action prototext:

bazel aquery --output=text //example/lib:hello-world:

action 'Building example/lib/libhello-world.jar (1 source file)'
  Mnemonic: Javac
  Target: //example/lib:hello-world
  Configuration: darwin_arm64-fastbuild
  Execution platform: @local_config_platform//:host
  ActionKey: 944e1415223fe32d4855f27591467048e6e6f7dd768beb5d8e4a7dbfb0c3b253
  Inputs: [...]
  Environment: [LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8]
  ExecutionInfo: {internal-inline-outputs: bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/example/lib/libhello-world.jdeps, supports-multiplex-workers: 1, supports-worker-cancellation: 1, supports-workers: 1}
  Command Line: (exec external/remotejdk11_macos_aarch64/bin/java \
    -XX:-CompactStrings \
    '--add-exports=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-exports=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-exports=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-exports=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-exports=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-exports=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-exports=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-opens=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-opens=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-opens=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-opens=jdk.compiler/' \
    '--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED' \
    '--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED' \
    '' \
    -jar \
    external/remote_java_tools/java_tools/JavaBuilder_deploy.jar \
    --output \
    bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/example/lib/libhello-world.jar \
    --native_header_output \
    bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/example/lib/libhello-world-native-header.jar \
    --output_manifest_proto \
    bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/example/lib/libhello-world.jar_manifest_proto \
    --compress_jar \
    --output_deps_proto \
    bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/example/lib/libhello-world.jdeps \
    --bootclasspath \
    bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/external/bazel_tools/tools/jdk/platformclasspath.jar \
    --sources \
    example/lib/src/main/java/mypackage/ \
    --javacopts \
    -source \
    11 \
    -target \
    11 \
    '-XDskipDuplicateBridges=true' \
    '-XDcompilePolicy=simple' \
    -g \
    -parameters \
    -Xep:ReturnValueIgnored:OFF \
    -- \
    --target_label \
    //example/lib:hello-world \
    --strict_java_deps \
    ERROR \
    --experimental_fix_deps_tool \
    add_dep \
    --reduce_classpath_mode \

JacocoCoverageRunner Changes

The java/com/google/testing/coverage/ in this repo differs a little bit from the one in the bazel repository. In the original repo, there is a function .getExecPathForEntryName(String classPath) that takes the computed name of the IClassCoverage and tries to match it against a set of paths that are known from scanning files named in the -paths-for-coverage.txt file in instrumented jar META-INF/. That function does an .endswith() comparison to match files, and if .getExecPathForEntryName return null, coverage will not be generated for that file. In our case, the layout of files does not exactly match the package names. Additional logic has been added: if the basenames match and the execPath contains the package name, this is considered a match.

Scala Coverage Caveats

When scala coverage is run, it creates instrumented jars like mylib-offline.jar where the bytecode has been instrumented by jacoco. This creates a runtime dependency of the code to be tested/analyzed for coverage on the jacoco agent code, which is provided by default in rules_scala by @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:JacocoCoverage. It turns out different jacoco versions have unique internally shaded classnames, for example org/jacoco/agent/rt/internal_f3994fa/core/JaCoCo.class. So, if you try and analyze code that has been instrumented by a different jacoco version used under test, you'll get a ClassNotFoundError and coverage will fail (will be looking for something like .../internal_c0314ef/...).

As a result, you need to ensure that the same jacoco version is used across the java_toolchain.jacocorunner, scala_toolchain.jacocorunner, and the JacocoInstrumenter.deps. It is not possible to configure the deps of the rules_scala/src/java/io/bazel/rulesscala/coverage/instrumenter, so you'll need to patch rules_scala with your custom jacocorunner.


Custom jacocorunner for bazel and java toolchains







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