Time Bank was built as part of a project for UC Berkeley Coding Boot Camp. The purpose of the app is to encourage kids to understand the importance of productive tasks such as reading and exercise when compared to other anti-social activities such as video games, television and computers.
The productive time is a stop watch used to calculate how much time a kid spends reading or exercising. When it is time to bank the time, that time goes to banked time which is a timer that counts down. Much like a bank, you can't "spend" time until you "earn" it.
When the user registers a kid, they can add a "weighted amount" to the tasks of exercise and reading. They do this as a multiplier amount. For example, if they want 70 percent of reading time to be counted towards the banked time, they would put in .70.
A report will tell you the percentage breakdown of the tasks done during productive time.
A calculator allows parents to determine how much time their child would need to spend doing productive time at a given percent in order to accumulate a certain banked time. For example, if a kid wanted to watch an hour of television, they would know how much reading they would have to do first.
- Node.js -- https://nodejs.org/en/
- Express -- https://expressjs.com/
- Chart.js -- http://chartjs.org/
- Passport.js -- http://www.passportjs.org/
- Handlebars -- https://handlebarsjs.com/
- Bootstrap -- http://getbootstrap.com/
- Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Sequelize
- Ability to run multiple timers and stopwatches simultaneously so more than one child can be timed at the same time.
- Add ability for parents to manually add or subtract time to reward or punish a child's behavior.
- Connect app to wearable devices similar to pedometers so that kids can see in real time what their banked time is and how much time they have left for their play time.
- Stacy Areas
- Ni Nydia Guo
- David Morrill
- Payam Asem
- Vaibhav Tank
Insight and expertise was used from David Halllinan, Peter Gardner, and John Alexander Ferguson.