This tool produces complex dust particle opacities right from the command line. It is derived from Michiel Min’s DHS OpacityTool and also implements Ryo Tazaki’s MMF theory for highly porous aggregates.
- stand-alone tool, fully command line driven, no input files need to be edited
- full scattering matrix output in several formats, including for RADMC-3D
- combining materials through mixing into a complex grain with porosity
- built-in: a curated collection of materials for applications in astronomy
- external refractive index data can be used just as easily. A selection of readily prepared files can be found here.
- computational methods: (i) DHS (Distribution of Hollow Spheres) for irregular grains and low-porosity aggregates. Standard Mie theory for perfect spheres is available as a limiting case. (ii) MMF (Modified Mean Field) theory for high-porosity/fractal aggregates. (iii) CDE (Continuous Distribution of Ellipsoids) approximation in the Rayleigh limit.
interface module for plotting and post-processing
is distributed under the MIT license and can be used, changed
and redistributed freely. But we do ask you to provide a reference to
when using it. Relevant references are listed below and the
corresponding BibTeX entries are available in the file
. optool
is hosted on github.
- optool: Dominik, C., Min, M. & Tazaki, R. 2021, Optool, 1.9, Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl:2104.010
- DHS model for irregular grains: Min, M. et al. 2005, A&A, 432, 909
- MMF model for aggregates: Tazaki, R. & Tanaka,H. 2018, ApJ 860, 79
- DIANA standard Opacities: Woitke, P. et al. 2016, A&A 586, 103
- References to refractive index data used in your particular application.
A simple grain made only of the default pyroxene, for the default grain size distribution (a-3.5 powerlaw from 0.05 to 3000μm), on the default wavelength grid (0.05μm to 1cm).
optool pyr
Include the scattering matrix in the produced output
optool pyr -s
Reproduce the DIANA standard dust model, using a specific pyroxene (70% Mg) and carbon, in a mass ratio 0.87/0.13, and with a porosity of 25%.
optool pyr-mg70 0.87 c 0.13 -p 0.25
List the built-in materials
optool -c
Add a water ice mantle (built-in data from Warren+08) that is 20% of the core mass
optool pyr-mg70 0.87 c 0.13 -m h2o-w 0.2 -p 0.25
Like the previous example, but use ice refractive index data from a separate file.
optool pyr-mg70 0.87 c 0.13 -p 0.25 -m data/ice_hudgins.dat 0.2
Pure water ice grains in a narrow size distribution from 1 to 3 microns, with 15 sample sizes following an f(a)\propto a-2.5 powerlaw size distribution. Also, restrict the wavelength range to 10-100μm, and turn off DHS to get perfect spheres.
optool h2o -a 1 3 2.5 15 -l 10 100 -fmax 0
Use a log-normal size distribution around 2 μm with σ=0.7 instead.
optool h2o -a 0.1 30 2.0:0.7 -l 10 100 -mie
For silicon carbide, compute the opacity of a single grains size (2.5μm) at λ=8.9μm.
optool -a 2.5 -l 8.9 sic
Represent the default dust model (DIANA, you also get this when you do not give any materials at all) in 42 grain sizes, and produce input files for RADMC-3D, one for each grain size, with full scattering matrix, chopping 3 degrees from the scattering peak.
optool -na 42 -d -s -radmc -chop 3
Use MMF to compute the opacities of dust aggregates made of pyroxene monomers. Use a monomer radius of 0.3 μm to construct aggregates with compact-volume radii between 10 and 30 μm, and a fractal dimension of 1.9.
optool pyr -a 10 30 -mmf 0.3 1.9
Compute the CDE approximation of small graphite grains.
optool gra -a 0.01 0.1 -l 1 30 -cde
- The Jena Database of Optical Constants and the Aerosol Refractive Index Archive for their invaluable collections of refractive index datasets.
- Rens Waters, Thomas Henning, Xander Tielens, Elisabetta Palumbo, Laurent Pilon, Jeroen Bouwman, and Melissa McClure for discussions around optical properties of cosmic dust analogues.
- Charlène Lefèvre for SIGMA, which inspired me to add grain mantles.
- Kees Dullemond for discussions about the RADMC-3D input format and
the scattering matrix, for the idea to write
and for letting me include his incredible python plotting routineviewarr
(available on github). - Gabriel-Dominique Marleau for testing and feedback, in particular on
. - Thiébaut Schirmer for triggering the addition of a log-normal size distribution.
See the User Guide for more information.
- Release 1.9.13
- The -print command line option allows a richer variety of outputs
to STDOUT, for human reading as well as for use in a pipe or
redirect. Run
optool -print ?
for a list of options.
- The -print command line option allows a richer variety of outputs
to STDOUT, for human reading as well as for use in a pipe or
redirect. Run
- Release 1.9.12
- A material can now also be described by giving values for n, k,
and the density on the command line, like this:
-c n:k:rho
. For example, -c 2.5:0.3:3.01 describes a material with a complex refractive index of 2.5+0.3i and a mass density of 3.01 g/cm^3. This can be useful in parameter searches when trying to fit optical properties of an unknown material.
- A material can now also be described by giving values for n, k,
and the density on the command line, like this:
- Release 1.9.11
- New subdirectory
contains the crystalline Axis dependant Data for some of the crystalline materials in the distribution. This allows to create opacity mix computations as opposed to the refractive index mixing that has been used to produce the crystalline datasets in optool. See appendix D.1 in the UserGuide.
- New subdirectory
- Release 1.9.10
- STDOUT and STDERR are now properly separated and portable, using the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module.
- Release 1.9.9
- More careful treatment of short-wavelength computation using very
large grains with size parameter x>1e4. This change makes the code
slower for computation involving very large size parameters. Use
-xlim 1e4
to get back the old speed if that bothers you, and if in your application the short-wavelength opacities are dominated by smaller grains with size parameters x<1e4.
- More careful treatment of short-wavelength computation using very
large grains with size parameter x>1e4. This change makes the code
slower for computation involving very large size parameters. Use
- Release 1.9.8
- Sparse scattering matrix files can save space if the target program can read them.
- Literature standard compositions DIANA and DSHARP have been built
in. They are accessible with the options
, and-dsharp-no-ice
- Release 1.9.7
- Do not allow qabs to drop below 1e-4*qext, to avoid numerical problems.
- Release 1.9.6
- Log-normal size distribution is now a standard option, using
instead of the powerlaw in the -a switch. A negative value forASIG
triggers a normal (not log-normal) distribution aroundAMEAN
, withASIG
interpreted as the width in micrometers. - The size distribution can also be read from a file.
- The new option
write the size distribution and the wavelength grid into filesoptool_sd.dat
, respectively. These also serve as examples of what kind of file can be read in by-l FILE
and-a FILE
. - We no longer provide binary versions of
. - The default number of size bins has been increased to 15 per grain size decade, to get better results at long wavelengths out of the box. This slows down the computation by 50%.
- Log-normal size distribution is now a standard option, using
- Release 1.9.4
- Improve installation process and instructions.
- Get help about specific command line options with, for example,
optool -h mmf
. - Shell completion of command line options and arguments is now
supported with the
script. You need to link it into your shell setup using the instructions inoptool-complete
- Release 1.9.3
- New option
, to direct output to STDOUT instead of files. - Grain sizes and wavelengths can be specified on the command lines in units other than microns, for example mm or GHz (frequency) or cm^-1 (wavenumbers).
- Add Fayalite and also the Mg-rich Olivine from Fabian 2001.
- Switch out the Forsterite dataset: Steyer is out, Suto is in.
- Continuous Distribution of Ellipsoids (CDE) approximation has been implemented. It is only valid in the Rayleigh limit and includes quite extreme particle shapes, but it is good as a comparison and frequently used in the literature.
optool -a 15 -2
will compute a size range from 13-17um with a flat size distribution.
- New option
- Release 1.9
- The proper reference for optool is now the entry in the
Astrophysics Source Code Library, please refer to it when optool
is used in your paper. The reference looks like this:
- Dominik, C., Min, M., Tazaki, R. 2021, Optool, 1.9, Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:2104.010
Here is a pointer to the ADS entry, from where you can also download the corresponding BibTeX entry. That BibTeX entry is also in
, with the citation key2021ascl.soft04010D
. - Add an amophous water ice, from Hudgins 1993. This dataset is amended at short and long wavelengths with the Warren data of crystalline ice, to get a wide dataset.
- The proper reference for optool is now the entry in the
Astrophysics Source Code Library, please refer to it when optool
is used in your paper. The reference looks like this: