This replository contains Yaml Files to deploy freeradius in Kubernetes cluster. This repository is not certified to work in a production environment.
This freeradius deployment uses following files:
- radiusd.conf : contains the radius configuration. this file was edited to stdout to see authentication logs with kubectl logs command. This file is stored in a configmap object.
- clients.conf : contains the RADIUS clients with shared secrets. This file is stored in a secret object as it contains sensitive data.
- authorize : contains usernames, passwords and attributes for each users. This file is stored in a secret object as it contains sensitive data.
All other configuration files are inherited from docker image, including EAP certificates and trusted CA.
This deployment requires following configuration:
Update the service file with expected Metallb IP address.
Deploy RADIUS deployment and service
kubectl create ns radius
kubectl create configmap -n radius freeradius-files --from-file radiusd.conf
kubectl create secret generic -n radius freeradius-secrets --from-file authorize --from-file clients.conf
kubectl apply -f freeradius.yml
Update configmap with new files and reload deployment
kubectl delete configmaps -n radius freeradius-files
kubectl create configmap -n radius freeradius-files --from-file radiusd.conf
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n radius freeradius
Update secret with new files and reload deployment
kubectl delete secret -n radius freeradius-secrets
kubectl create secret generic -n radius freeradius-secrets --from-file authorize --from-file clients.conf
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n radius freeradius
To allow other deployments within the same kubernetes cluster, use following name:
- lb-freeradius : service name
- radius : namespace name
- svc.cluster.local : internal kubernetes dns suffix