Receive webhooks and put them into a message queue.
Built in python using Django for web requests and kombu for message queue handling.
The kombu library supports amqp, qpid, redis, mongodb and more:
Note that this app has no security. Any POST request to an endpoint using the right path prefix will result in an attempt to put a message on a queue, as long as request contents can be decoded as JSON or a key-value multipart/form-data.
The way to avoid abuse is to restrict access to this app in a firewall and validate message contents when consuming them from the queue.
On a successful request, HTTP 200 OK is returned. On some errors, content returned will be a JSON structure with a 'message' key.
Either pull an image automatically built from this repo (
docker pull stanislavb/webhookmq
Or build your own:
make build
Test code standards (requires flake8 installed):
make syntax-test
Test integration with RabbitMQ:
make docker-integration-test
Bring the service up locally and try POSTing to it.
docker-compose up -d
# If running Linux:
curl --data "param1=value1¶m2=value2" http://localhost/test/foo
# If running OSX with docker-machine:
curl --data "param1=value1¶m2=value2" http://$(docker-machine ip $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME)/test/foo
Hosting of a message queue is not covered by this document, but if you have one provisioned, you can scale WebhookMQ horisontally just by starting more with same settings.
docker run -d \
-e "SECRET_KEY=foo" \
-e "PATH_PREFIX=webhook" \
-e "MQ_URI=amqp://" \
The command above would start the service and accept POST requests at http://(container ip):8080/webhook/(queue_name)/
It is extremely recommended to use a robust web server in front of any web application. You could for example use jwilder/nginx-proxy:
docker run -d \
--name nginx-proxy \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \
-p 80:80 \
docker run -d \
-e "SECRET_KEY=foo" \
-e "PATH_PREFIX=webhook" \
-e "MQ_URI=amqp://" \
-e "" \
Provided DNS record for would be pointing at this docker host machine, the service would accept POST requests at