is available from Bactopia. Please use Bactopia going forward as staphopia-ap
is not longer supported.
Staphopia's analysis pipeline is a set of open source tools wrapped in a Nextflow workflow. Once analysis is completed the results are stored into a database.
Currently Staphopia is setup using a Docker container.
docker pull rpetit3/staphopia:20200127
Staphopia pipeline,
, processes local FASTQ files.
docker run rpetit3/staphopia:20200127 --help
usage: [-h] --fq1 FASTQ --sample SAMPLE [--fq2 FASTQ]
[--coverage INT] [--cpu INT] [--is_miseq] [--resume]
A wrapper for executing Staphopia Nextflow workflow.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--fq1 FASTQ Input FASTQ file.
--sample SAMPLE Sample name of the input.
--fq2 FASTQ Second FASTQ file in paired end reads.
--coverage INT Coverage to subsample to (Default: 100x.)
--cpu INT Number of processors to use.
--is_miseq Input is Illumina MiSeq sequencing.
--resume Tell nextflow to resume the run.
rpetit@staphopia:~/JE2$ ls -lh
total 701M
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rpetit rpetit 360M Oct 5 2017 JE2_R1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rpetit rpetit 342M Oct 5 2017 JE2_R2.fastq.gz
rpetit@staphopia:~/JE2$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data rpetit3/staphopia:20200127 \
--fq1 JE2_R1.fastq.gz --fq2 JE2_R2.fastq.gz --sample JE2 \
--cpu 22 --is_miseq
rpetit@staphopia:~/JE2$ ls -lh
total 990M
drwxr-xr-x 6 rpetit rpetit 4.0K Feb 12 19:26 JE2
-rw-r--r-- 1 rpetit rpetit 45 Feb 12 19:27 JE2.md5
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rpetit rpetit 360M Feb 12 17:41 JE2_R1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rpetit rpetit 342M Feb 12 17:41 JE2_R2.fastq.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 rpetit rpetit 38K Feb 12 19:27 JE2-staphopia.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 rpetit rpetit 288M Feb 12 19:26 JE2.tar.gz
Staphopia includes a modified pipeline,
, that automates the download of FASTQ files from ENA. Users give an ENA Experiment accession as the input and any corresponding FASTQs are downloaded and processed.
docker run rpetit3/staphopia:20200127 --help
usage: [-h] [--cpu INT] [--resume] EXPERIMENT_ACCESSION
A wrapper for executing Staphopia Nextflow workflow.
positional arguments:
EXPERIMENT_ACCESSION ENA experiment accession to process.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cpu INT Number of processors to use.
--resume Tell nextflow to resume the run.
rpetit@staphopia:~/$ mkdir SRX1114352
rpetit@staphopia:~/SRX1114352$ cd SRX1114352
rpetit@staphopia:~/SRX1114352$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data rpetit3/staphopia:20200127 SRX1114352 --cpu 22
rpetit@staphopia:~/SRX1114352$ ls -lh
total 204M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 Apr 16 17:46 SRX1114352.md5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39K Apr 16 17:46 SRX1114352-staphopia.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 204M Apr 16 17:46 SRX1114352.tar.gz
Below is a list of the software programs used in Staphopia's pipeline. We would like to thank the authors of these tools!
Tool | Version |
Ariba | 2.10.2 |
assembly-summary | 0.1 |
BBDuk | 37.66 |
bedtools | 2.26 |
BLAST+ | 2.7.1 |
BWA | 0.7.17 |
ena-dl | 0.1 |
GATK | 3.8 |
illumina-cleanup | 0.3 |
Jellyfish | 2.2.6 |
MentaLiST | 0.1.3 |
Nextflow | 0.28.2 |
Picard | 2.14.1 |
PROKKA | 1.12 |
Samtools | 1.6 |
SPAdes | 3.11.1 |
vcf-annotator | 0.4 |
Robert Petit