Decoco is an efficient Web Component framework based on decorator-driven development. It provides a new way to build reusable components and simplifies common programming tasks such as event listening and state management through decorators.
- packages/core: core module(include decorator api, runtime and reactive api...).
- packages/renderer: render module(jsx to dom).
- packages/docs: document module(todo)
- packages/examples: for test and demo.
- packages/cli: cli module(dveloping).
- packages/plugins: plugin module for vite.
- packages/devtools: browser develop devtools (dveloping).
The Decoco is passes all tests in Custom Elements Everywhere.
create a decoco project
npm create decoco@latest
create a web component
import {Component,DecoElement,Event,Prop,Ref,RefType,State,Watch,EventEmitter,} from "@decoco/core";
export class HelloWorld extends DecoElement {
@State() count = 0;
@Prop() message = "Hello World!";
@Event() emitter!: EventEmitter;
@Ref() hostElement!: RefType<HTMLDivElement>;
onCountUpdate(value: number, oldValue: number, cleanup: () => void) {
console.log("count update", value, oldValue);
get computedValue() {
return this.count + 1;
set computedValue(value: number) {
this.count = value - 1;
componentWillMount(): void {
componentDidMount(): void {
shouldComponentUpdate(): boolean {
return true;
componentDidUpdate(): void {
render() {
const onClick = () => {
this.emitter!.emit("click", this.count);
return (
<div ref={this.hostElement}>
<section>count: {this.count}</section>
<button onClick={onClick}>+1</button>
pnpm install
pnpm run --filter <package, e.g. core> dev
- Reactive System
- Render and JSX
- Scheduler
- @Component
- @Prop
- @State
- @Event and @Listen
- @Ref
- @Watch
- @Computed
- lifecycle
- State Management for redux
- Plugin support
- Hook API
- performance optimization
- more...