No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.108.0
- Package version: 1.108.0
Python 3.4+
Install the latest version from Github via pip
pip install git+
To install a specific version that corresponds to your ThirdEye instance, use
pip install git+
with x.y.z
the version of ThirdEye you need.
The ThirdEye instance version can be obtained with the GET /api/app-analytics/version
The following shows how you would create an alert.
from __future__ import print_function
import thirdeye_client
from import ApiException
from thirdeye_client.api.alert_api import AlertApi
import json
# Configure API key authorization
configuration = thirdeye_client.Configuration()
# see how to get a token here
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'Bearer 123456'
# use your thirdeye environment = ""
http_call_config = dict(_preload_content=False)
# create an Alert client
alert_api_client = AlertApi(thirdeye_client.ApiClient(configuration))
new_alert = {
"name": "my-alert",
"description": "my new alert",
"template": {
"name": "startree-ets"
"templateProperties": {
"dataSource": "pinot",
"dataset": "MY_DATASET",
"aggregationFunction": "sum",
"seasonalityPeriod": "P7D",
"lookback": "P21D",
"monitoringGranularity": "P1D",
"sensitivity": "1",
"aggregationColumn": "MY_METRIC_COLUMN"
"cron": "0 0 5 ? * * *"
# create a new alert
res = alert_api_client.create_multiple3(body=[new_alert], **http_call_config)
data =
d = json.loads(data)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AlertApi: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlertApi | count_with_predicate3 | GET /api/alerts/count | |
AlertApi | create_multiple3 | POST /api/alerts | |
AlertApi | delete3 | DELETE /api/alerts/{id} | |
AlertApi | delete_all3 | DELETE /api/alerts/all | |
AlertApi | edit_multiple3 | PUT /api/alerts | |
AlertApi | evaluate | POST /api/alerts/evaluate | |
AlertApi | get7 | GET /api/alerts/{id} | |
AlertApi | get8 | GET /api/alerts/name/{name} | |
AlertApi | get_all3 | GET /api/alerts | |
AlertApi | get_analytics | GET /api/alerts/{id}/stats | |
AlertApi | get_insights | GET /api/alerts/{id}/insights | |
AlertApi | get_insights1 | POST /api/alerts/insights | |
AlertApi | reset | POST /api/alerts/{id}/reset | Delete associated anomalies and rerun detection till present |
AlertApi | run_task | POST /api/alerts/{id}/run | |
AlertApi | validate_multiple | POST /api/alerts/validate | |
AlertTemplateApi | count_with_predicate4 | GET /api/alert-templates/count | |
AlertTemplateApi | create_multiple4 | POST /api/alert-templates | |
AlertTemplateApi | delete4 | DELETE /api/alert-templates/{id} | |
AlertTemplateApi | delete_all4 | DELETE /api/alert-templates/all | |
AlertTemplateApi | edit_multiple4 | PUT /api/alert-templates | |
AlertTemplateApi | get10 | GET /api/alert-templates/name/{name} | |
AlertTemplateApi | get9 | GET /api/alert-templates/{id} | |
AlertTemplateApi | get_all4 | GET /api/alert-templates | |
AlertTemplateApi | load_recommended_templates | POST /api/alert-templates/load-defaults | |
AnomalyApi | count_with_predicate7 | GET /api/anomalies/count | |
AnomalyApi | create_multiple7 | POST /api/anomalies | |
AnomalyApi | delete7 | DELETE /api/anomalies/{id} | |
AnomalyApi | delete_all7 | DELETE /api/anomalies/all | |
AnomalyApi | edit_multiple7 | PUT /api/anomalies | |
AnomalyApi | get15 | GET /api/anomalies/{id} | |
AnomalyApi | get16 | GET /api/anomalies/name/{name} | |
AnomalyApi | get_all7 | GET /api/anomalies | |
AnomalyApi | set_feedback | POST /api/anomalies/{id}/feedback | |
AppAnalyticsApi | get_analytics_payload | GET /api/app-analytics | |
AppAnalyticsApi | get_version | GET /api/app-analytics/version | |
AuthApi | login | POST /api/auth/login | |
AuthApi | logout | POST /api/auth/logout | |
AuthInfoApi | get | GET /api/info | |
DataSourceApi | clear_data_source_cache | DELETE /api/data-sources/cache | |
DataSourceApi | count_with_predicate | GET /api/data-sources/count | |
DataSourceApi | create_multiple | POST /api/data-sources | |
DataSourceApi | delete | DELETE /api/data-sources/{id} | |
DataSourceApi | delete_all | DELETE /api/data-sources/all | |
DataSourceApi | edit_multiple | PUT /api/data-sources | |
DataSourceApi | get1 | GET /api/data-sources/{id} | |
DataSourceApi | get2 | GET /api/data-sources/name/{name} | |
DataSourceApi | get_all | GET /api/data-sources | |
DataSourceApi | get_datasets | GET /api/data-sources/name/{name}/datasets | |
DataSourceApi | offboard_all | DELETE /api/data-sources/offboard-all | |
DataSourceApi | onboard_all | POST /api/data-sources/onboard-all | |
DataSourceApi | onboard_dataset | POST /api/data-sources/onboard-dataset | |
DataSourceApi | validate | GET /api/data-sources/validate | |
DatasetApi | count_with_predicate1 | GET /api/datasets/count | |
DatasetApi | create_multiple1 | POST /api/datasets | |
DatasetApi | delete1 | DELETE /api/datasets/{id} | |
DatasetApi | delete_all1 | DELETE /api/datasets/all | |
DatasetApi | edit_multiple1 | PUT /api/datasets | |
DatasetApi | get3 | GET /api/datasets/{id} | |
DatasetApi | get4 | GET /api/datasets/name/{name} | |
DatasetApi | get_all1 | GET /api/datasets | |
EntityApi | get_entity | GET /api/entities/types/{bean_class} | |
EntityApi | get_entity_info | GET /api/entities/types/{bean_class}/info | |
EntityApi | get_raw_entity | GET /api/entities/{id} | |
EntityApi | list_entities | GET /api/entities/types | |
EnumerationItemApi | count_with_predicate5 | GET /api/enumeration-items/count | |
EnumerationItemApi | create_multiple5 | POST /api/enumeration-items | |
EnumerationItemApi | delete5 | DELETE /api/enumeration-items/{id} | |
EnumerationItemApi | delete_all5 | DELETE /api/enumeration-items/all | |
EnumerationItemApi | edit_multiple5 | PUT /api/enumeration-items | |
EnumerationItemApi | get11 | GET /api/enumeration-items/{id} | |
EnumerationItemApi | get12 | GET /api/enumeration-items/name/{name} | |
EnumerationItemApi | get_all5 | GET /api/enumeration-items | |
EventApi | count_with_predicate9 | GET /api/events/count | |
EventApi | create_multiple9 | POST /api/events | |
EventApi | delete9 | DELETE /api/events/{id} | |
EventApi | delete_all9 | DELETE /api/events/all | |
EventApi | edit_multiple9 | PUT /api/events | |
EventApi | get19 | GET /api/events/{id} | |
EventApi | get20 | GET /api/events/name/{name} | |
EventApi | get_all9 | GET /api/events | |
EventApi | load_holidays | POST /api/events/create-from-anomaly | |
EventApi | load_holidays1 | POST /api/events/holidays/load | |
MetricApi | count_with_predicate2 | GET /api/metrics/count | |
MetricApi | create_multiple2 | POST /api/metrics | |
MetricApi | delete2 | DELETE /api/metrics/{id} | |
MetricApi | delete_all2 | DELETE /api/metrics/all | |
MetricApi | edit_multiple2 | PUT /api/metrics | |
MetricApi | get5 | GET /api/metrics/{id} | |
MetricApi | get6 | GET /api/metrics/name/{name} | |
MetricApi | get_all2 | GET /api/metrics | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | count_with_predicate8 | GET /api/rca/investigations/count | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | create_multiple8 | POST /api/rca/investigations | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | data_cube_summary | GET /api/rca/dim-analysis | Retrieve the likely root causes behind an anomaly |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | delete8 | DELETE /api/rca/investigations/{id} | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | delete_all8 | DELETE /api/rca/investigations/all | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | edit_multiple8 | PUT /api/rca/investigations | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | generate_cohorts | POST /api/rca/metrics/cohorts | Builds cohorts based on threshold |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | get17 | GET /api/rca/investigations/{id} | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | get18 | GET /api/rca/investigations/name/{name} | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | get_all8 | GET /api/rca/investigations | |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | get_anomalies_events | GET /api/rca/related/anomalies | Returns anomalies related to the anomaly. Anomalies are ordered by the scoring function. |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | get_anomaly_heatmap | GET /api/rca/metrics/heatmap | Returns heatmap for the specified anomaly. Aligns time stamps if necessary and omits null values. |
RootCauseAnalysisApi | get_calendar_events | GET /api/rca/related/events | Returns calendar events related to the anomaly. Events are ordered by the scoring function. |
SubscriptionGroupApi | count_with_predicate6 | GET /api/subscription-groups/count | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | create_multiple6 | POST /api/subscription-groups | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | delete6 | DELETE /api/subscription-groups/{id} | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | delete_all6 | DELETE /api/subscription-groups/all | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | edit_multiple6 | PUT /api/subscription-groups | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | get13 | GET /api/subscription-groups/{id} | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | get14 | GET /api/subscription-groups/name/{name} | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | get_all6 | GET /api/subscription-groups | |
SubscriptionGroupApi | reset1 | POST /api/subscription-groups/{id}/reset | |
TaskApi | count_with_predicate10 | GET /api/tasks/count | |
TaskApi | delete10 | DELETE /api/tasks/{id} | |
TaskApi | delete_all10 | DELETE /api/tasks/all | |
TaskApi | get21 | GET /api/tasks/{id} | |
TaskApi | get22 | GET /api/tasks/name/{name} | |
TaskApi | get_all10 | GET /api/tasks | |
TaskApi | purge | DELETE /api/tasks/purge | |
UIConfigurationApi | get23 | GET /api/ui/config | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | clear_data_source_cache | DELETE /api/data-sources/cache | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate | GET /api/data-sources/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate1 | GET /api/datasets/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate10 | GET /api/tasks/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate2 | GET /api/metrics/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate3 | GET /api/alerts/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate4 | GET /api/alert-templates/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate5 | GET /api/enumeration-items/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate6 | GET /api/subscription-groups/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate7 | GET /api/anomalies/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate8 | GET /api/rca/investigations/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | count_with_predicate9 | GET /api/events/count | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_all_tables | POST /internal/db-admin/create-all-tables | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple | POST /api/data-sources | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple1 | POST /api/datasets | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple2 | POST /api/metrics | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple3 | POST /api/alerts | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple4 | POST /api/alert-templates | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple5 | POST /api/enumeration-items | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple6 | POST /api/subscription-groups | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple7 | POST /api/anomalies | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple8 | POST /api/rca/investigations | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | create_multiple9 | POST /api/events | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | data_cube_summary | GET /api/rca/dim-analysis | Retrieve the likely root causes behind an anomaly |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete | DELETE /api/data-sources/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete1 | DELETE /api/datasets/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete10 | DELETE /api/tasks/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete2 | DELETE /api/metrics/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete3 | DELETE /api/alerts/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete4 | DELETE /api/alert-templates/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete5 | DELETE /api/enumeration-items/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete6 | DELETE /api/subscription-groups/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete7 | DELETE /api/anomalies/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete8 | DELETE /api/rca/investigations/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete9 | DELETE /api/events/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all | DELETE /api/data-sources/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all1 | DELETE /api/datasets/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all10 | DELETE /api/tasks/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all2 | DELETE /api/metrics/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all3 | DELETE /api/alerts/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all4 | DELETE /api/alert-templates/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all5 | DELETE /api/enumeration-items/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all6 | DELETE /api/subscription-groups/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all7 | DELETE /api/anomalies/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all8 | DELETE /api/rca/investigations/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all9 | DELETE /api/events/all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all_data | DELETE /internal/db-admin/truncate-all-tables | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | delete_all_tables | DELETE /internal/db-admin/drop-all-tables | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple | PUT /api/data-sources | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple1 | PUT /api/datasets | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple2 | PUT /api/metrics | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple3 | PUT /api/alerts | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple4 | PUT /api/alert-templates | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple5 | PUT /api/enumeration-items | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple6 | PUT /api/subscription-groups | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple7 | PUT /api/anomalies | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple8 | PUT /api/rca/investigations | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | edit_multiple9 | PUT /api/events | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | evaluate | POST /api/alerts/evaluate | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | execute_query | GET /internal/db-admin/execute-query | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | generate_cohorts | POST /api/rca/metrics/cohorts | Builds cohorts based on threshold |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | generate_html_email | GET /internal/email/html | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get | GET /api/info | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get1 | GET /api/data-sources/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get10 | GET /api/alert-templates/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get11 | GET /api/enumeration-items/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get12 | GET /api/enumeration-items/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get13 | GET /api/subscription-groups/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get14 | GET /api/subscription-groups/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get15 | GET /api/anomalies/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get16 | GET /api/anomalies/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get17 | GET /api/rca/investigations/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get18 | GET /api/rca/investigations/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get19 | GET /api/events/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get2 | GET /api/data-sources/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get20 | GET /api/events/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get21 | GET /api/tasks/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get22 | GET /api/tasks/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get23 | GET /api/ui/config | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get3 | GET /api/datasets/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get4 | GET /api/datasets/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get5 | GET /api/metrics/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get6 | GET /api/metrics/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get7 | GET /api/alerts/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get8 | GET /api/alerts/name/{name} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get9 | GET /api/alert-templates/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all | GET /api/data-sources | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all1 | GET /api/datasets | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all10 | GET /api/tasks | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all2 | GET /api/metrics | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all3 | GET /api/alerts | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all4 | GET /api/alert-templates | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all5 | GET /api/enumeration-items | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all6 | GET /api/subscription-groups | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all7 | GET /api/anomalies | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all8 | GET /api/rca/investigations | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_all9 | GET /api/events | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_analytics | GET /api/alerts/{id}/stats | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_analytics_payload | GET /api/app-analytics | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_anomalies_events | GET /api/rca/related/anomalies | Returns anomalies related to the anomaly. Anomalies are ordered by the scoring function. |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_anomaly_heatmap | GET /api/rca/metrics/heatmap | Returns heatmap for the specified anomaly. Aligns time stamps if necessary and omits null values. |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_calendar_events | GET /api/rca/related/events | Returns calendar events related to the anomaly. Events are ordered by the scoring function. |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_datasets | GET /api/data-sources/name/{name}/datasets | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_entity | GET /api/entities/types/{bean_class} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_entity_info | GET /api/entities/types/{bean_class}/info | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_insights | GET /api/alerts/{id}/insights | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_insights1 | POST /api/alerts/insights | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_package_info | GET /internal/package-info | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_raw_entity | GET /api/entities/{id} | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_tables | GET /internal/db-admin/tables | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | get_version | GET /api/app-analytics/version | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | home | GET / | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | list_entities | GET /api/entities/types | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | load_holidays | POST /api/events/create-from-anomaly | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | load_holidays1 | POST /api/events/holidays/load | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | load_recommended_templates | POST /api/alert-templates/load-defaults | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | login | POST /api/auth/login | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | logout | POST /api/auth/logout | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | notify | POST /internal/notify | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | offboard_all | DELETE /api/data-sources/offboard-all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | onboard_all | POST /api/data-sources/onboard-all | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | onboard_dataset | POST /api/data-sources/onboard-dataset | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | ping | GET /internal/ping | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | post | POST /internal/http-detector | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | purge | DELETE /api/tasks/purge | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | reset | POST /api/alerts/{id}/reset | Delete associated anomalies and rerun detection till present |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | reset1 | POST /api/subscription-groups/{id}/reset | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | run_task | POST /api/alerts/{id}/run | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | set_feedback | POST /api/anomalies/{id}/feedback | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | trigger_webhook | POST /internal/trigger/webhook | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | validate | GET /api/data-sources/validate | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | validate_multiple | POST /api/alerts/validate | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | webhook_dummy | POST /internal/webhook | |
ZzzAllEndpointsZzzApi | worker_id | GET /internal/worker/id | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | create_all_tables | POST /internal/db-admin/create-all-tables | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | delete_all_data | DELETE /internal/db-admin/truncate-all-tables | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | delete_all_tables | DELETE /internal/db-admin/drop-all-tables | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | execute_query | GET /internal/db-admin/execute-query | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | generate_html_email | GET /internal/email/html | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | get_package_info | GET /internal/package-info | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | get_tables | GET /internal/db-admin/tables | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | notify | POST /internal/notify | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | ping | GET /internal/ping | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | post | POST /internal/http-detector | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | trigger_webhook | POST /internal/trigger/webhook | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | webhook_dummy | POST /internal/webhook | |
ZzzInternalZzzApi | worker_id | GET /internal/worker/id |
- AccessControlModel
- AlertApiModel
- AlertEvaluationApiModel
- AlertInsightsRequestApiModel
- AlertMetadataApiModel
- AlertNodeApiModel
- AlertResourceModel
- AlertTemplateApiModel
- AlertTemplateResourceModel
- AnomalyApiModel
- AnomalyFeedbackApiModel
- AnomalyLabelApiModel
- AnomalyResourceModel
- ApiResourceModel
- AppAnalyticsResourceModel
- AuthInfoResourceModel
- AuthResourceModel
- CohortComputationApiModel
- DataSourceApiModel
- DataSourceMetaApiModel
- DataSourceResourceModel
- DatasetApiModel
- DatasetResourceModel
- DetectionDataApiModel
- DetectionEvaluationApiModel
- DimensionFilterContributionApiModel
- DurationModel
- EmailSchemeApiModel
- EntityResourceModel
- EntityTagModel
- EnumerationItemApiModel
- EnumerationItemResourceModel
- EvaluationContextApiModel
- EventApiModel
- EventContextApiModel
- EventResourceModel
- HttpDetectorResourceModel
- InputApiModel
- LinkModel
- LocaleModel
- LogicalViewModel
- MediaTypeModel
- MetricApiModel
- MetricResourceModel
- NewCookieModel
- NotificationSchemesApiModel
- NotificationSpecApiModel
- NumberModel
- OutputApiModel
- PlanNodeApiModel
- RcaDimensionAnalysisResourceModel
- RcaInvestigationApiModel
- RcaInvestigationResourceModel
- RcaMetadataApiModel
- RcaMetricResourceModel
- RcaRelatedResourceModel
- RcaResourceModel
- ResponseModel
- StatusTypeModel
- SubscriptionGroupApiModel
- SubscriptionGroupResourceModel
- TaskResourceModel
- TemplatableListStringModel
- TemplatableModel
- TemplatableObjectModel
- TemplatePropertyMetadataModel
- TemporalUnitModel
- TimeColumnApiModel
- TimeWindowSuppressorApiModel
- UiResourceModel
- UriBuilderModel
- UserApiModel
- WebhookSchemeApiModel
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header