is a wrapper for Imperavi Redactor,
a high quality WYSIWYG editor.
Note that Imperavi Redactor itself is a proprietary commercial copyrighted software but since Yii community bought OEM license you can use it for free with Yii.
First, import the widget class file
Next, call the widget:
$this->widget('ImperaviRedactorWidget', array(
// you can either use it for model attribute
'model' => $my_model,
'attribute' => 'my_field',
// or just for input field
'name' => 'my_input_name',
// some options, see
'options' => array(
'lang' => 'en',
'toolbar' => 'false',
'iframe' => true,
'css' => 'wym.css',
Alternatively you can attach Redactor to already existing DOM element by calling:
$this->widget('ImperaviRedactorWidget', array(
// the textarea selector
'selector' => '.redactor',
// some options, see
'options' => array(),
The redactor plugins plugged in with packages of resources.
$this->widget('ImperaviRedactorWidget', array(
'selector' => '.redactor',
'options' => array(
'lang' => 'ru',
'plugins' => array(
'fullscreen' => array(
'js' => array('fullscreen.js',),
'clips' => array(
// You can set base path to assets
'basePath' => 'application.components.imperavi.my_plugin',
// or url, basePath will be ignored
'baseUrl' => '/js/my_plugin',
'css' => array('clips.css',),
'js' => array('clips.js',),
// add depends packages
'depends' => array('imperavi-redactor',),