Shiny application to data analysis. Data Analysis를 도와주는 Shiny애플리케이션 입니다.
- board
- colorpen
- data.table - 1.14.2
- datamods - 1.3.4
- datatoys
- dplyr - 1.0.10
- DT - 0.25
- esquisse - 1.1.2
- flexdashboard - 0.6.0
- GGally - 2.1.2
- golem - 0.3.3
- haven - 2.5.1
- htmlwidgets - 1.5.4
- jstable - 1.0.7
- phosphoricons - 0.1.2
- plotly - 4.10.0
- reactable - 0.3.0
- readr - 2.1.2
- readxl - 1.4.1
- rmarkdown - 2.16
- scissor
- shiny - 1.7.2
- shiny.i18n - 0.2.0
- shinycssloaders -
- shinydashboard - 0.7.2
- shinydashboardPlus - 2.0.3
- shinyglide - 0.1.3
- shinyjs - 2.1.0
- shinyWidgets - 0.7.3
- soroban
- stove
- tibble - 3.1.8
- tidyr - 1.2.1
run_app() # from door
Jinhwan Kim @jhk0530
Changwoo Lim @ChangwooLim
Copyright ©️ 2022 Jinhwan Kim, Changwoo Lim. This project is MIT licensed Copyright ©️ 2022 Jinhwan Kim, Changwoo Lim. 이 프로젝트는 MIT 라이센스를 따릅니다.
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