Releases: statnet/statnetWeb
Releases · statnet/statnetWeb
statnetWeb v0.5.6
Includes updates for bugfixes related to the evolution of the underlying shiny support packages, and updates for all embedded urls that previously pointed to the (now deprecated) website.
- New sortable table of attributes
- New citations in addition to BibTeX
- Refresh positions of nodes in network plot
now uses system's default web browser to launch application- Can color code nodes by mode for bipartite network
- Change shape of node depending on mode for bipartite network
- App is compatible with Shiny v0.11.1.9002 (we have a new look!)
- Only .rds files supported when saving and uploading from the R environment.
- Issue solved where GOF plots from directed networks were not appearing.
- Issue with uploading edge values solved.
What's new:
- Improved method of saving user-entered attributes
- Bug in uploading relational data saved as R object is fixed
- "Fit Model" button is closer to summary statistics
- User can add terms to formula by pressing Enter key
- User is not allowed to color code degree distribution of total degree for directed networks (in- and out-degree distributions are allowed)
- Title of application is incorporated into title of first tab
- Prevented error in viewing GOF comparison when no models are saved
- New color palettes for attributes with more than nine levels
What's new:
- Access term documentation within Fit Model page
- Customize MCMC control parameters when fitting a model or simulating from a model
- Save up to five different models for a single network
- Compare coefficients and AIC/BIC scores across models
- Switch between models when looking at MCMC Diagnostics, GOF and Simulations
- Compare GOF plots across saved models in a comprehensive chart
- Plot simulation statistics compared to target statistics
- Arrow icons for page navigation
What’s New:
- Fixed delay when adding terms to formula.
- ergm formula and model fit are cleared when the uploaded network changes.
- Previous goodness of fit plots are cleared when a new model is fit.
- Simulation summary is reformatted so that the simulation parameters and network statistics are listed by row, rather than by column.
- Widgets are disabled when their input is irrelevant for the current network.
- Improved warning boxes for color-coding with more than nine levels.
Initial Prototype Release
v0.1.0 fixes to display of descriptive indices