This role configures an oauth2_proxy container for GitHub based OAuth.
These settings are all mandatory:
oauth_service_name: 'example-oauth'
oauth_service_path: '/docker/example/oauth'
oauth_domain: ''
oauth_upstream_port: 4321
oauth_local_port: 1234
oauth_cookie_secret: '123qweASD'
oauth_provider: 'github'
oauth_id: 'some-id'
oauth_secret: 'some-secret'
Some options are optional:
oauth_local_addr: ''
oauth_cont_volumes: ['/docker/example/www:/www']
oauth_upstream_url: 'file:///www#/'
oauth_cont_networks: ['other-container-network']
Different providers have different mandatory settings.
oauth_github_org: 'example-org'
oauth_github_teams: ['devops', 'security']
oauth_google_domain: ''
oauth_keycloak_url: ''
oauth_keycloak_realm: 'example-org'
oauth_keycloak_domain: ''
oauth_keycloak_groups: ['admins', 'security']
oauth_keycloak_roles: ['admin']
oauth_scope: 'openid'
In order for Keycloak client to work with oauth-proxy, the way to set up the Keycloak client is described here under Keycloak new admin console
. Important part is to configure the dedicated audience mapper for your client.
To include the oauth-proxy
into another docker compose:
oauth_compose_skip_start: true
oauth_upstream_addr: 'container-webui'
The container is reated using Docker Compose: % dc ps
Name Command State Ports
example-oauth /bin/oauth2-proxy --provid ... Up>9292/tcp
Provider: keycloak-oidc
, Service: Prometheus UI
The setup is composed out of Nginx proxy in front of OAuth2 proxy container. After logging in, we got 502 Bad Gateway
on Nginx proxy. By inspecting Nginx error logs there was this error:
2024/09/13 12:27:40 [error] 1699601#1699601: *28212 upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream...
We just had to increase proxy buffer sizes in the Nginx config and everything was working normal:
proxy_buffering on;
proxy_buffers 16 256k;
proxy_buffer_size 128k;